Monday, September 23, 2024

The Hermaphrodite: Imane Khelif?

According to several websites, Imane Khelif is not a hermaphrodite, but she suffers from a condition known as DSD. DSD is a spin off trait associated with hermaphroditism. It's a set of rare conditions involving genes, hormones and reproductive organs that can cause the sexual development of a person to be different than the normal development of a Male or Female. Despite this connection to Hermaphroditism, Imane Khelif was allowed to compete against women in the sport of boxing. Last summer during the Paris Olympics, Imane Khelif won a Gold Medal, competing against women born not of the condition, DSD and many were outraged. Imane was born as a woman but now looks masculine in appearance. For more, click here.

Thursday, December 29, 2022

The Hermaphrodite Andrew Balcer or Andrea Balcer?

Born Male - now identifies as a female, Andrew Balcer will spend the next 40 years in prison for murdering his parents, he was convicted in 2018. While in prison, Andrew now Andrea slowly transitioned into a female. As a result of her transition, prison officials removed him from a Men's prison and has housed him within a female prison. For more, click here.

Thursday, April 14, 2022

Hermaphrodites In Prison?

In New Jersey, Twenty Seven hermaphrodites are housed in Edna Mahan jail with 800 women. This genetic mix up has caused confusion among inmates and housing officials. Most recently the jail is recieving backlash after two inmates became pregnant and housing officials believe that the sex was consensual. Several sites online is reporting that two or maybe one hermaphrodite is the cause of these two pregnancies. For more, click here.

Abandon Hermaphrodite Born in India

In India, a man abandons his baby and wife at a local nursing facility because the baby was born as a hermaphrodite. Doctors confirm that the newborn was born with ambiguous genitalia and rare intersex conditions, articles online reports:

For more, click here.

Saturday, March 26, 2022

Utah: Bill HB11

Utah becomes the 12th state to ban transgendered athletes from competing in sports against those born as a Male or Female, biologically. This comes after the Utah State Legislature overrides the governor's veto to enact the bill. The law will go into effect on July 1, 2022. To read more, click here.

Friday, March 18, 2022

Delaware: Planned To Ban Transgendered Athletes

In February 2022, a new bill was introduced in Delaware that bans transgendered athletes from competing in sports against those born genetically Male or Female. For more, click here.

Transgendered Athlete: Lia Thomas

According to reports online, transgendered athlete Lia Thomas from the University of Pennsylvania once competed as a male on their swim team, for three years. In 2019 Lia began his transition into a female. As a transitional, he's competing against women in swim competitions for the University. The transgendered athlete has made history by becoming the first hermaphrodite to win a NCAA swimming championship. For more, click here.

Indiana: Bill HB 1041

Bill HB 1041 is waiting to pass in Indiana, the bill will protect girls who unknowingly play sports against those whose body is unidentifiable at birth. According to the Bill's author, "..the bill is about protecting girls athletics from the threat posed by transgender girls, who could have a biological advantage that will cause cisgender girls to lose out of the opportunity to play or compete on an even playing field..". For more, click here.


Iowa: Bill HF2416

In Iowa, bill HF 2416 was signed into law - it bans transgendered girls and women from competing in sports. The bill applies to those competing in public, private schools and colleges within the state. For more, click here.


Sunday, August 22, 2021

The Hermaphrodite: Labena


An afrobeat artist in Ghana has revealed to a local DJ that she is a hermaphrodite. In the interview posted below LaBena speaks in her native language as she states the following," I don't feel shy about it and there is no reason to lie either. I was born with it so it's part of who I am". For more click here

Monday, February 8, 2021

House Bills

Many States are preparing to ban transgendered kids from participating in school sports. An online publication called Ms Magazine has complied a list of House Bills per State - and if passed or rejected they can change the way children all over the world view transgendered kids. For more, click here.

Friday, February 5, 2021

The Hermaphrodite: Tyler Reks or Gabbi Tuft


A former wrestler in the WWE has quietly transformed into a female he named Gabbi Tuft. In her own words Gabbi has accepted her transition by stating, "I am grateful for my past, for who I started this life as, for who I was, for who I am now, and for who I am becoming...". The former WWE wrestler is the first to come out as transgendered (Intersex or Hermaphrodite), according to online reports. For more, click here.

Saturday, January 30, 2021

The Hermaphrodite: Layshia Clarendon

Last February the WNBA and the New York Liberty signed a hermaphrodite to join their team. According to online reports, the Hermaphrodite Layshia Clarendon recently had top surgery to remove her (or his) breast. The transgendered athlete's decision was embraced by the WNBA and his direct team leads. For more, click here

Thursday, October 22, 2020

The Hermaphrodite: Pidgeon Pagonis


For more, click here.

The Hermaphrodite: A Cardinal?


Scientist are unable to determined if a Cardinal born with both genitals is a hermaphrodite. According to several articles online the Cardinal appears to be a gynandromorph, a half Male / half Female animal. It's important to note that Humans, born as a true hermaphrodites are split right down the middle and in fact is half Male / half Female. Some websites are stating that this cardinal is not a hermaphrodite because the genitals are fully functional in a split as half Male and half Female:

For more, click here.

Friday, March 6, 2020

The Hermaphrodite: Holali Ativor

"Yes is true they have sent my daughter home because she has two organs. When I gave birth to her she had the vagina but with time, the penis started growing" - Mother of hermaphrodite Holali Ativor reveals as her daughter is forced to leave Ghana's National Team. For more, click here.

Thursday, February 27, 2020

The Hermaphrodite: Leila Le Fey

A Judge in the United Kingdom has spared, a six month jail stint, to hermaphrodite Leila Le Fey because the judge is unable to determine Leila's gender. According to the judge, Leila lacks a gender recognition certificate - that confirms the gender of a hermaphrodite. For more, click here.

Wednesday, February 26, 2020

The Hermaphrodite: Ila Adu

The daughter of neo-soul singer Sade Adu was born as a hermaphrodite. Ila Adu has quietly transitioned into a male she named Izaak Theo Adu.

Tuesday, February 25, 2020

The Hermaphrodite: Zion Wade

Born different? The Twelve year old son of retired basketball great Dwayne Wade is a transitional hermaphrodite. According to articles online, Zion Wade will transition into a girl s/he named, Zaya Wade. For more, click here.

Friday, July 7, 2017

Suicide, Invertations and The Livelihoods of A Hermaphrodite

Suicide. Historic departures from life, noted. Their return unpleasant at hello - for those who knew, where the ill-liquid or self inflicted wounds would take them. A death certificate, noted - suicide, the cause. Understanding, as an invert - the lifecycles, one must live to return as a Female or Male. Eighteen, Twelve, Ten - a spirit guide reveals. Bonding with those who accepted the numbers - and together, we live and then, they fade, the numbers - the livelihoods. Our bodies stolen and stored in wearhouses - not the ones we were choosen to live-in, nor on a lot - a business lot, stolen for storage. As we sought a deeper understanding, some of us are at eighteen or at the end, enjoying Twelve and Ten - at the same time. Headlines still read - suicide and we stop to remember those who did - those who kept up and those who were poisoned. Until we return to our genders, we Live, for Life - as it was granted.

Unsettled: The Inverted

In the race to return to our genders, the battle of the undocumented remains unsettled. Some quietly occupied business lots and later discovered wearhouses - that welcomed the inverted. The ones pictured above - is memorized as a pleasant wearhouse - mixed with givers. It's rare for a lot to welcome wearhouses and Agivers. On the lot pictured above, those who were called to occupy this lot, were welcomed.

The Hermaphrodite: A Rare Fish?

As with humans, animals - rare ones, are returning as hermaphrodites. Some are undocumented and some are mislabeled. Some scientific studies, which lead to documented research - has some animals listed as, poisoned, for the cause of death. If the animals pictured above were poisoned, are we viewing one of their return states? Is this animal on her (a her in him) way of becoming a certain type of fish - that's already documented? Click here for more.

Spotted: The Hermaphrodite

Hermaphroditism comes in different stages - as the body, fully transition out of the mixed state. For some, there are Eighteen livelihoods to fullfill, and for others their are less. This depends on the ways in which the Female or Male state departed. Some have committed suicide, some were poisioned and some were asked, by a spirit guide, to keep up - with their mate. It's safe when you are married and choosen to step inside of your wife, as the body enters and exit different livelihoods, with some livelihoods left undocumented. The stage of the hermaphrodite is the most explored, documented and linked less to the invertated state of a Male or Female - on the road, to return to their gender. The lifestyle of the hermaphrodite is often associated with the Gay, Lesbian and/or bisexual society - whose history is well known amongst those who are returning as an inverted Male or Female. For More, Click here.

Saturday, July 30, 2016

Hermaphroditism and Suicide

Suicide is a self inflicted aim at Life, if committed. Some have committed suicide to join a social club underground and some were forced to accept suicide as the end of their last liveli, after they were posioned. If you were (or are) a willing participant of suicide, you return to life with 18 inverted livelihoods facing you. If you were posioned, you live through less than 18 of these livelihoods. In this year of 2016, we have inverted Males and Females living their livelihoods undocumented. Some are accepting their livelihoods as Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, Intersex, Transgendered or Interbreeded, just to become documented. In actuality, you are inverted, not Gay nor a Lesbian, Bisexual, Intersex and maybe Transgendered, if you truly understood the term. Locate your Wife or Husband to discover if they are inverted as well, withold your need for a sex change operation, you maybe removing an important part of their body - you are invertedly living inside of your mate's body, it's your safety net until you both return to your life as a Male or Female.

Tuesday, December 1, 2015


As early as the 16th Century humans were secretly inbreeding and bringing forth a different type of species. As time moved forward the species were documented in hospitals and within historical research as True or Pseudo Hermaphrodites. Unfortunately the term True and Pseudo Hermaphrodite wasn't allowed on the newborn's birth certificate and so they grew up mislabeled and placed into the genders of Female and Male. Here in the 20th Century many countries around the world are beginning to accept hermaphrodites as a third gender, but they have yet to identify a name suitable for that gender. Soon, bathrooms around the world will offer units suitable for the hermaphrodites.

Wednesday, June 17, 2015

The Hermaphrodite: Bruce or Caitlyn Jenner

"If I was lying on my deathbed and I had kept this secret and never ever did anything about it, I would be lying there saying, ‘You just blew your entire life."

On June 1st, Pseudo hermaphrodite Bruce Jenner showcased his feminine side by gracing the cover of Vanity Fair Magazine. The father now, a mommydad of six has accepted his current and previous lifestyle. As he embark on his journey to become a feminine female, he decides to rename himself Caitlyn. As the transitional female Caitlyn, Olympic Committee Members are in agreement to acknowledge Bruce Jenner's current and former life as the 1976 Gold Medalist. With this acknowledgement, residents in Austin, El Paso, Clarksville and Tennessee are waiting on the Olympic Committee to change several street signs that honor Bruce Jenner's accomplishments - to Caitlyn Jenner.

Thursday, April 30, 2015

The Hermaphrodite: Bruce Jenner

As the world awaits Bruce Jenner's name change, many are still stun to learn that the former Olympic gold medalist is transgendered. In a recent interview with Diane Sawyer that aired on April 24th, the former Olympian admits that he was born different. Bruce didn't reveal if he was a Pseudo-Hermaphrodite or a True-Hermaphrodite, instead he shares his decision to take additives to become a woman. In the 80's Bruce reveals, that he came close to transitioning but, placed the process on hold, for the sake of his children. During this interview the status of his children, now adults, health condition were spared. When a parent is born with an inherited health condition, the inherited trait is passed down to their offsprings. Throughout Bruce Jenner's life, his body was producing high volumes of testosterone, that was somehow mixed with an admittance of estrogen injections. During the Mid-70's Bruce held an advantage over his male opponents, the advantage was his genetic mishap. Although he's apologetic now, he faces a slew of backlashes, the lost of his life as a male and his Gold Medals as an Olympian representing The United States of America.
For More, Click Here.

Monday, August 4, 2014

The Hermaphrodite: Karl Holzer

On June 12, 1992 a pregnant hermaphrodite name Karl Holzer gave birth to a boy he named Hans. His story was featured in the publication "World Weekly News" where he discussed a prior story in which a man revealed that he -to was a true hermaphrodite, preparing to give birth. Karl voiced his opinion of the other man's false story and also shared that there are others like him, meaning true hermaphrodites:
Karl also stated that he's a mother and father and that he got himself pregnant. The interviewer did not ask Karl if he went to a sperm bank or further questions regarding his sex life. Instead the article focused on Karl being a male hermaphrodite, who had given birth to a boy. The article didn't share if Karl's son was a hermaphrodite or carrier - a person who carries the trait to birth hermaphrodites. For more, click here.

Monday, July 28, 2014

The Hermaphrodite: Kylie Jack

For a Pseudo or True Hermaphrodite it is difficult to find garments that fit comfortable on one's body. A body thats going through changes as the hermaphrodite grow into their developmental stages. Kylie Jack a Pseudo-Hermaphrodite was recently told that s/he cannot try on clothes at a lingerie shop that is known for customizing their garments. Kylie is not the first hermaphrodite to be denied service at a high-end department store, or at a boutique that caters toward the straight male or female. Click here to read Kylie's story.

A Hermaphrodite From Zhejiang province, China

A Eunuch was recently diagnosed as a Hermaphrodite shortly after checking into a local hospital with complaints of stomach pains. The 44 year old hermaphrodite checked in as a male and was later told by doctors that he's actually a female:

According To Online Reports:

A man who went to hospital with STOMACH ACHE was told it was period pains - and he's a woman as well. The married 44-year-old from Zhejiang province, China, was in fact experiencing period pains, doctors told him. And they were just as surprised as their patient to discover he had a full set of female reproductive organs as well as a penis - which had kept him and his wife happy for the past 10 years. Being 'Intersex' affects one in every 2,000 UK births and there are roughly 30,000 intersex people in the UK. Intersex people may be genetically female, but physiologically male. Some will be true hermaphrodites, producing both eggs and sperm. The man from Zhejiang province, China, visited his local doctor with his wife in Yongkang, where a CT SCAN showed the man had both a uterus and ovaries. A further examination revealed he had a pair of female sex chromosomes. Therefore, genetically at least, Mr. Chen was in fact a woman. Doctors said it was too late for Mr Chen to seek medical treatment for his unusual problem as it was only effective for younger people.
In articles published on and offline, the term Intersex is being used to replace the original term of Hermaphrodite. Those who were born under the term of hermaphrodite considers it to be insulting or stigmatizing and would rather the term to be banned from publication. In the UK alone there are 30,000 people living their life as a Pseudo or True hermaphrodite. For more, click here.

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

The Hermaphrodite: Andrea Kelly?

The ex-wife of R&B crooner R.Kelly is raising a - now known hermaphrodite. Her thirteen year old daughter Jaya Kelly has come forward to share her wish to transition into a boy. In 1992, following R.Kelly's arrest for pornography related charges, the identity of the children they shared were noted as a boy and two girls - with no mentions of a child being born "That Way": Within the last week, the internet became flooded with stories of Andrea Kelly daughter's wish to become a boy. Some articles went on to state that she would like a sex change operation - and to have her breast removed one day. Jaya also shared her relationship with her father with the mention of distance and rarely seeing him. In September 2005, Andrea Lee Kelly filed a protection order against R.Kelly - that was later dropped. The pornography scandal was enough to file a full custody request of the children the two shared: All sued court cases that involves R.Kelly and his estranged wife are sealed. His wife was recently featured in the reality T.V. series "Hollywood Exes" - she remarried and has divorced again. There are two pictures of Jaya posted below, one features Jaya with her father on stage dressed as a boy (with burettes) and another one is of Jaya dressed, well in-between via her instagram account. The internet states Jaya's age as 13, and at this age, your body begins to hit puberty - it may become more masculine or more feminine - it depends on the gender that's dominating the hermaphrodites' body. Little is known about Andrea Lee's life before she met R.Kelly and so we ask, is she a hermaphrodite or just a carrier? And what about R.Kelly, is he a carrier? It's difficult to locate pictures of R.Kelly's parents, which leads one to wonder...

Friday, June 6, 2014

Hermaphrodites In Africa

The Hermaphrodites in Cape Town (South Africa) are leaning on their government to support them as they transition into their desired gender. Most recently the only center available to hermaphrodites is being flooded with request, but due to a lack in funding and staff it will take 15 to 20 years for these patients to receive the proper care that's required. The town is reporting that hermaphrodites from age 13 to 60 are seeking the required treatments. For more, click here.

Hermaphrodites Link To Incest

In 1999 the Indian Express published a article linking hermaphroditism to incestuous relationships. It went on to state - that this condition can result from different types of drug usages. The second reasons may stem from a pregnant woman too embarrassed to admit that the father of her child is a relative, and so other excuses were documented.
Marriage within close relations or within the same community may increase the risk of hermaphroditism as it helps preserve bad genetic factors responsible for this congenital disorder, doctors have warned. Hermaphroditism or indeterminate sex is primarily a result of genetic malfunctions...
For more, click here.

You Can't Hide Your Pride: Pete Cahall

The Principal at my alma mater in Washington D.C. has opened up about his sexuality to students. As a yearly event, students at Wilson High School sets one day aside to honor and celebrate their pride. At the school's second annual event, the principal took the stage to share his story, the story behind his sexual orientation with students. He went on to share that he spent 50 years hiding in the shadows and that he hid all of his life:
"I want to say publicly for the first time because of your leadership, care and support that I am a proud gay man who just happens to be the principal of Wilson High School..I'd be a big hypocrite if I didn't speak my truth"
For more, click here.

Friday, May 30, 2014


In a decision ruled this evening, The Department of Health and Human Services overturned a 33-year-old policy banning sex change operations for those who suffer from the condition of hermaphroditism. Reportedly, the condition lacked experimental studies to qualify seeking recipient. Based on research conducted after 1981 and the presence of many stepping forward to receive the required surgeries, it will be granted through the Health Program Medicare.


Sex-change operations will now be covered by Medicare after a federal health department appeals board on Friday struck down a 33-year-old policy excluding the procedures...In 1981, they said, the procedure was still considered "experimental" and "controversial." As more evidence emerged that the procedure is safe and necessary,…The American Medical Association has said that these procedures are legitimate medical treatments for a known disorder and that it opposes the denial of health insurance based on gender identity.

For more, click here.

Monday, May 19, 2014

Lovelycare for Hermaphrodites?

Hermaphrodites who live in Rochester, New York are relived to learn that their sex change operations will be covered by the government - yes, the government! The insurance package is simply titled, "Lovelycare" -- the cities Mayor is named Mrs. Lovely Warren. The insurance policy claims to cover sex change operations for family members as well. Please note that being born as a hermaphrodite is a genetic trait (a disorder of sex development (DSD) ) that is passed down. It's a lot similar to a person born with hemophilia or diabetes, however the trait is not the same.

Reported Online:

The City of Rochester will extend transition-related healthcare coverage to its employees who are transgender and gender non-conforming. Mayor Lovely Warren made the announcement at the Empire State Pride Agenda's Spring Dinner at the Rochester Riverside Convention Center Saturday. Approved by the City's Labor Management Healthcare Committee in April, the new coverage will pay for services related to gender reassignment surgery such as medical and psychological counseling, hormone therapy and cosmetic and reconstructive surgeries. The benefits will go into effect beginning January 1, 2015, where the City of Rochester will then add transgender healthcare benefits for employees and their family members who are enrolled in the City's 'enhanced' medical plan.
To read more, click here.