On June 1st, Pseudo hermaphrodite Bruce Jenner showcased his feminine side by gracing the cover of Vanity Fair Magazine. The father now, a mommydad of six has accepted his current and previous lifestyle. As he embark on his journey to become a feminine female, he decides to rename himself Caitlyn. As the transitional female Caitlyn, Olympic Committee Members are in agreement to acknowledge Bruce Jenner's current and former life as the 1976 Gold Medalist. With this acknowledgement, residents in Austin, El Paso, Clarksville and Tennessee are waiting on the Olympic Committee to change several street signs that honor Bruce Jenner's accomplishments - to Caitlyn Jenner.
I feel sorry for his children who are forced to call him Mommy or to identify him as a she or female. Gotta respect him for stepping out of his shell to admit that he's indeed a hermaprodite. He need to stay true and to actually say it he keep saying that he's transgendered or intersex when in fact he's a hermaphrodite. If i was bruce i would let my children know that they carry the trait and that one day they can give birth to one, a child born just like him. Once they understand this they understand their father on a deeper level.
ReplyDeleteI feel for you Bruce. You're still Bruce to other people born just like you. Look out for your generation and legacy and let them know how often hermaphrodites are born into your family. You stand alone as the only one and if you trace your family history i am sure you can find others in your family who was born as a hermaphrodite. I Think both of your daughters Kylie and Kendall are both carriers and your son Brody. I watched the MTV Hills and you can tell that your son Brody is terrified to have children maybe he's a carrier too. I hope they understand your genetic trait and how important it is to society. That's why people love watching Keeping Up With The Kardashians. It's like you're keeping up with their genetics waiting for one to have a child born just like their daddy.
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