Monday, April 20, 2009

Image Update: Grace Jones

She or he has grown into his or her androgny.


  1. Grace Jones don't look andrognist, she looks like a fukk'n alien. I always knew that something was up with this chick. She has features like no one I've ever seen. Believe me Grace Jones is definately a decended of the 200 fallen angels. Would yall please look at this bytch!!!!!

    This is another celebrity that you hear nothing of her family. It's almost as if she was grafted out of other ppl's body parts. I bet under that skirt, is a phallus.

  2. She has a brother who is a judge in New jersey. Her family is Jamaican. Don't hook it up, look it up.

  3. I don't give a damn where shes from or who is supposed to be a judge, there is something totally amist about this chick. Always felt that way.

    Black people are so freaken guilible. Sometimes we don't believe the truth even when it is staring us dead in our face. Now you please don't hook it up, research it up. Duces

  4. Growing up, i was told that this was a woman!
    Those who promoted her or his career didn't make this clear, that she was really born as a female!

    A wig and make-up goes a long way, i see!

  5. I mean, that she was born as a male or hermaphrodite!

  6. her twin brother is a big preacher in La - Bishop Noel Jones.

    There is all kinds of info on her family online.

    Her father was a minister as well as her grandfather.

    Even her new song describes her maternal lineage where her maternal grandfather was a musician.

  7. Grace Jones has a Brother who is a well known Pastor in LA by the name of Bishop Noel Jones. Their Father was a Pastor. Grace Jones was a PK(Preachers Kid).
