Sunday, July 29, 2012

Update: The Hermaphrodite Larry or Lana Wachowski

Matrix director Larry Wachowski has spent the last several years transitioning into Lana Wachowski. The director was spotted recently at a event promoting her (or his) latest film entitled, "Cloud Atlas". The credits for the new film has him listed as Lanna Wachowski - not Larry.


  1. "Hermaphroditism is a sex development disorder in which a person birthed through an incestuous relationship." Um, wrong. Where did you get that moronic idea?

  2. ^^^

    If you do done research you'll see where it comes from.

  3. Strongly encourage you to read this blog from the very beginning. Articles were posted here that linked hermaphroditism to incest (inbreeding).

  4. This is another case of this idiot blogger misusing the term hermaphrodite. Larry became Lana due to a condition classed in the DSM as gender dysphoria. It is a psychological condition that makes an individual strongly feel they were born in the wrong body. e.g. someone physically male may have a female brain and thus feel a mismatch between the two. This can be severe enough to cause them to transition. This is NOT a case of being born with both sets of genitalia. That's really just stupid! This blogger in all his/her 3 years of blogging has not found out what transgender means and at the same time i wonder if the blogger truly believes all of the people he/she has posted are born from incest! Dumb as hell! lol

  5. It seems to me that many evil and unnatural things were brought in to this world via incest.
