If Alicia Keys was born 100% female, why did her mother dress her as a "boy" throughout her childhood? It has been noted that Alicia Keys appeared on the Cosby Show in 1985 when she was four years old. Maybe it's me or maybe it's not me - she or he look older than four years old.
Here's a picture taken from the "slumber party" episode. Alicia is the kid wearing the grey and black sweatsuit.
I greatly appreciate the tip, "Sent.From.Heaven"!

In this picture of Alicia Keys, she is older than some 4. She looks like she could be at least 6. This child looks nothing like Alicia. She really went through a transformation. She looks nothing like a female child. She was most definately a She-male. I guess her mother was trying to wait to see which gender she would feel most comfortable with.
ReplyDeleteI remember when Wendy Williams (the black one..lol), said that Alicia Key, Kelis and Beyonce was much older than they claim to be. Wendy said this back in 2003. She also talked about Bey's pregnancy. But she claimed that Beyonce had gotten an abortion.
What I would like to know is, if Beyonce is really 37 (which we know that she is), how is it that she can keep this from Kelly, Michelle, Latoya and Latavia. Because if they are all claiming to be around the same age than they must be hella old too. The only one that really look young is Latoya and Latavia. Michelle ass look like she could be in her 40's. I'm not buying that that chick is still in her 20's. Beside where in the hell did they get her from with her no talent ass. I guess she was willing to go along with the program.
I know that this is a tad bit off the subject Moderator but I just wanted to bring something to your atttention. Did you know that the government has CONCERTRATION CAMPS set up right know so when they declare MARSHALL LAw, they can start shipping people off to these camps. The same thing that happened during Hitler's time is getting ready to happen again. This is why they are offering money for people to turn in their guns. They want to disarm the public so it will be no resistance. NEVER GIVE UP YOUR GUNS MY PEOPLE. I'D RATHER DIE FIGHTING THAN LET THEM TAKE ME WILLINGLY.
ReplyDeleteThey are getting ready to just run up in peoples house and start sending them to these camps. This shyt is REAL. Here are a few websites that you can go on to become familiar with this.
Prison Planet/Alex Jones
Sherry Shriner/The Watcher file
Jordan Maxwell
Alex jones is a government agent,,,
DeleteI know he is!!!!! I don't trust that MF!!!!! NOT DO I WATCH HIS CHANNEL!!!!
DeleteOh is cock-eyed-ness a form of intersexuality...lol. Because Alicia is very cockeyed? With her bad skin.
ReplyDeleteMichelle used to be one of the original DC's backup singers...and there is no way a keys was intersexual, she has WOMAN HIPS
ReplyDeleteAnd also, you are obviously a hater...You will never achieve nor look a fragment like A keys, the queen of RnB
ReplyDelete@1:35 AND 1:35
ReplyDeleteHow in the fuck do you know what Alcia Keys is. Is the bitch paying you to be up in her ass. You don't know me, who I am or how the fuck I look. You retarded MF. Being intersexed doesn't mean you don't have womanly features. They have the traits of both sexes. Why don't your dumb ass do some research before your start popping off at the mouth. These demons that are calling themselves celebrities love ignoramuses like you because you are easily duped. You won't take the time out to investigate what a person is saying, you have what we call a MONKEY SYNDROME. People like you laugh shit off instead of equipping your mind with knowledge. Who gives a fuck about Alicia Key's hips. What in the heck is this chick doing for our communitiy. You dumb ass STANs are the reason why these Bastards get filthy rich and when you go ask their ass for a autograph, they will have you arrested. WAKE THE FUCK UP PLEASE!!!
I co -sign
DeleteTruuuu indeed......2nd co-sign
DeleteAlicia Keys was born as a male (intersexual). I don't want to look like her because she went through a lot to look the way she does. Her skin is bad and why is she chekcing for ugly swizz beats?
ReplyDeleteWhen Alicia Keys look in the mirror she still see herself as a intersexual.
ReplyDeleteDid you see her mother? She went through the process as well.
They be fighting over hormone pills and injecting each other with hormone shots.
estrogen shots.
ReplyDeleteOkay you said that Alicia Keys is a male intersexual, correct. Well do this mean that her insides are male, meaning she has a prostate, epididymus and the whole nine yards of a male or does she have a uterus. I realize that there are many different deviations of the condition but WHAT DO HER INSIDES SAY??? If you can please answer this for me?
ReplyDeleteIf one was to look closely at Ms Keys, she looks a tad bit strange in the face. I remember when she first came on the scene ppl where saying back then that she was gay. I often wondered WHY is it that ppl was always labeling these celebrities as gay even before they would make it big. What kind of evidence they had on these ppl to back their claims up. Then I said "people just like to make shit up". Now with this new found info there are alot of things that has become clear to me. Someone, somewhere knew these people before the public did and they TALKED.
Peace and Greetings BlackGod! I believe I can answer your inquiry about "Ms Keys" cock-eyes-lol. It is a characteristic of inbreeding and insanity. If you look at members of the royal family and the 13 elite illuminati bloodlines they all have those same weird eyes--either too close together or they wander apart! Do you have any idea who is Alicia Keys' father? Have you ever seen any pictures of him? And she has no features of her "mother" whatsoever even though her mom is white! All we know is this girl popped on scene unexpectedly and became grossly overated like our friend Beyonce. By the way Beyonce is cockeyed too. Take a look at her latest Lo'real ad! Insanity is also a MAJOR characteristic of inbreeding along with hermaphroditism. Just visit New Orleans (one of the major inbreeding capitols)and see for yourself if you can ward off witchcraft-lol!) Shaquille O'neal is also cockeyed! Who is his BIOLOGICAL father? I can name lots more if you have the time--LOL! Keep paying attention brother. I know I am! God Bless! LADY(born and bred)Dee :)
ReplyDeleteMay peace and Blessings be upon you also. Yes I do have plenty of time to hear all about the victims of inbreeding....lol. I've always wondered why is it that the majority of these celebrities are fatherless and the person that is supposed to be their mother, they look nothing alike. This is the same thing that the illuminati does. They have many children in strategic locations and they allow other people to rise them, all the while they are pulling strings to groom their offsprings until its time for them to be used. Did you know that Clinton is really a Rockerfeller and George W. Bushes mother Barbara is Aleister Crowley's biological daughter. Please look up That name. Mr. Crowley was very much into witchcraft. His work is used by the illuminati even today. He is the same one that use to be close confiduants with L. Ron Hubbard, the father of Dianetics. Dianetics is the real name of SCIENTOLOGY. So now you know what scientology is really about. It is all about WITCHCRAFT!!!! I could never understand why alot of these BLACK CELEBRITIES are jumping on the Scientology bandwagon. Will & Jada; JLo & Mark Anthony, Issac Hayes; Phylicia Rashard; Leah Remmni (she looks black to me). This is nothing but another Demonic Fraternal Order. Barbara Bush was conceived during a ritual sex magick act.
ReplyDeleteHaven't you noticed that in the older movies about the devil, they always had a part about orgies. Heres an example of 2 of the them, Angel Heart(lisa bonet) and The Devil's advocate. These entities are attracted to this act. The more sinister the sexual act the more powerful the negative energy that is emitted into the atmosphere. This prevents the positive forces from entering into the atmosphere, thus keeping the sheeple in mental and spiritual bondage. They can't have people waking up and moving into a higher consciousness because this will break the stronghold that they have on humanity.
Have you ever asked yourself what is really the deal with all these missing children!!! there is well over a million children rpt missing world wide EVERY YEAR!! These children are abducted off the street and used for child slave labor and use for ritual sacrifices. They are also brought to AREA 51 and use for experiments and even food for the extraterrestrials. These REPTILIAN beings enjoy the flesh and blood of children because it is purer than an adults. They haven't been defiled yet. this is what is meant by the nectar of the gods.
PS: Ask yourself why the artist of today are alway looking for the next HOOK. thats right they want to hook you on a particular verse in their records in turn to hook your mind!!!
To get a better understanding of how we are living in an controlled enviroment, A MATRIX AS YOU WILL, please watch the movie featuring Jim Carey called "The Truman Show". This will give you an idea of the mental prison that we are on. We must wake the hell up and see what is going down before it is too late.
ReplyDeleteShaquille Oneal's father supposely went to prison when Shaq was a minor. His mother married a brother who was in the service and moved the family with him to Germany. But the part that got me confused is why is Shaq'a mother so bitter towards his real father. I realize that Shaq'a Biological father probably was a player and hurt her dearly but why all the hostility now. That was years ago. They should have been gotten over that shit by now. I was watching a YouTube video that was made of Shaq's real father and he was telling the story and he said that when he was going to go to the Enquirer they intervened and stopped the process. But i kept looking for clues in this man's face that will link him to Shaq and they look nothing alike either. First of all, I would like to know where Shaq got all that height from.
ReplyDelete@BlackGod---Reptillians are an offshoot of the Nephallim(fallen angels)who were giants that once roamed the earth and raped/breeded with human women which resulted in a lot of the freaks we see today. Shaq/Kobe and many of these athletes inherited their height thru reptilian D.N.A which are from the same giants I speak of. The half-breeds average from over 6 to 7&1/2 feet in height which is where we have our beloved b-ball players that women break their necks to get next to! Reptillians are notoriously psychotic, horny and will fuck anything that moves so rape,incest,homosexuality, bestiality and pedophilia are just some of their major perversions! What's disturbing is that they have no soul--they have to TRY and aquire something almost close to it by raping and sacrificing little children. That's why I have always wondered what was the deal with all these missing children who were never found and WHY, WHY, WHY, WHY would ANYONE get kicks from harming innocent children! The shit is RAMPANT! Remember the Atlanta child murders?
ReplyDeleteThese were black children so they were considered "expedible" with the exception of Jon Benet Ramsey (although her deal was later on). Others(preferably those with fair skin, blonde hair and blue eyes) were spared because they could be mentally programmed for specific functions. If one didn't have these traits they had certainly better make up for it in other ways ie;superhuman abilities! By the way, I done extensive research on Aleister Crowley and He is the grandfather of George Bush. Many heavy metal musicians and rockstars pay homage to this vile man and black people will too from jumping on this rockstar bullshit. A lot of young black teens represent skull n bones and death in clothing,music and entertainment in general. These are truly the ast days! Lady Dee
LOL--Blackgod look for these cockeyed slaves dead and alive. Some of them pose at specific angles to hide a particular "lazy eye" which is indicative of their ugliness, craziness and stupidity= Inbred?
ReplyDeleteParis Hilton -notorius inbred illuminati whore
Sean"Puffy"Combs--Boule member, promotes sex, materialism, death and mayhem surrounds him. Almost all of his artists are: broke, sick, on drugs or dead.
Notorius B.I.G---Womanizer,drug dealer, joked excessively about murder.
Halle Berry- YES she does have a "lazy eye". Media whore. Psychotic.
Rick Ross----Not important enough to explain
Michelle Obama--Please believe it!Something tells me she's dangerous and manipulative.
Lil Jon---although his moment is over.
Faith Evans-- terribly cross-eyed in person. Please beleive she spent time in a "mental" institution before she got with BIG and her record deal.
Lisa "Left EYE" Lopes--The name says it all
Ice Cube---You have to catch him off guard!
Diana Ross--the old school Beyonce
These are just some of them. Tell what you think BlackGod! Peace and Blessing Lady Dee
Here are more by the way! Google celebrities with lazy eyes and you will find: Jessica Alba,
ReplyDeleteKerri Russell, Terri Hatcher, Lucy Liu, Tori Spelling(she's a weird looking bitch) Bernie Mac and I am not sure about Samuel L.Jackson yet! Lady Dee
Look up Baphomet(satan). He is a hermaphrodite with breasts and a penis. He represents the male and female aspect of sexuality (yin and yang). Those of a dual nature (hermaphroditism) are easily programmed and have strong "talents". I realize that intersexual characteristics vary: Some look like women yet have deep voices (Alicia Keys and Beyonce)and excessive facial and body hair. Some men have large penises with womanly hips and feminine features. Others you have a bitch of a time figuring out WHAT they are. How one be of sound mind with such an imbalance of hormones? That is why the mod called them bitter intersexuals---lol. Hormones are largely responsible for a healthy state of mind. Intersexuals manipulate others with their programmed "talent and skills" and lead them astray. I wonder what happened to couples getting blood tests before being allowed to marry. Preventing inbreeding was one of the reasons for this.
ReplyDeleteI was looking on this site for a place to leave a "tip" regarding
ReplyDeleteLil Wayne. A website has pics of him and a hermaphrodite. Rappers like him, Kanye and Jay'Z among others are getting bold in public. Pics located mid page of link...
^^^^ Copy and Paste!
ReplyDelete"If one was to look closely at Ms Keys, she looks a tad bit strange in the face. I remember when she first came on the scene ppl where saying back then that she was gay."
ReplyDeleteIf you look closely at Alicia Key's mother and Justin Timberlake's mother - they look like twins.
Are they related?
Take a look at their before and after pictures. It's really weird and both share the same "where's my baby father" stories.
Justin Timberlake and Alicia Keys are related!
ReplyDeleteThese two were birthed through donated sperm. The parents paid a well-known talented male for their sperm.
@ lady Dee
ReplyDeleteHow are you my sister? Yeah all of these celebrities share the same wheres my black father stories. This is another way for society to label Blackmen as deadbeat dads. The arrange for the shit to appear this way and these black celebrities uphold this BS.
I would like to speak on a few celebrities that I think were trying to defect from the black boule.
(1) Martin Lawrence: Remember he was in the middle of the highway waving a gun like a raving lunatic shouting "fight the Powers". Well the power I believe he was speaking about was these fraternal orders. However unfortunately for him, he is still a part of it. Check out the pictures of him posing with Will Smith and others and you will catch him making the hand signs.
(2)DMX: You see all the shyt that he has been going through lately with the law. I truely believe that those dog corpes where planted on his property to set him up. Also you must remember that the first thing that these ORDERS do is try to label you as crazy, because this is dismissive. They figure nobody will listen to you because you are crazy anyway, right. They have a habit of trying it institutionalize you, whether it be jail or a mental hosp. This way, they can inject you with shit.
(3)Katt Williams: He started talking and they put his ass right in the mental hosp. Ask yourself why did he do his whole standup comedy talking smack about Steve Harvey. What did Harvey do to him? Well brother Steve is a big part of that Black Boule shit. Steve Harvey has alot of shit with him.
(4)Bernie Mack: I'm not buying that Sarcodosis (how ever you spell it)mess. I believe that he was poisoned. He said that he was retiring from stand up. I guess he planned to just focus on films. Steve harvey hated Bernie Mack because Bernie was a better actor and comedian than him and he knew it. I'll bet you any amount of money that he was secretly glad that he pass away. Lastly the movie SoulMen was nothing but 2 gay men taking a trip across the country. If you analize the movie, you will notice that they are constantly being show in a horizontal position. Hell one scene they even had them IN THE FUCKING BED TOGETHER. Then Mr. Mack was sacrificed. You know they wasn't going to mess with Samuel Jackson because he will let those white jew bastards stick him in his ass for a movie role. Why do you think he gets so many of them.
(6)Issac Hayes: He was in Scientology, nuff said.
(7)Left Eye: She know that the whole entertainment industry was wicked thats why she started trying to cleanse her soul and become more spirtual. Remember they (these orders) will kill you by any means, but they prefer to push you from a building or car accident.
(8)Brother Dave Chapelle: They was trying to kill him so he left and went to Africa. Then they tried to label them as crazy, their favorite alternative. But big ups to Mr. Chapelle he walked away from that bullshyt and told them to kiss his ass. Now you don't hear anything about Dave on TV at all. But I guess he does the comedy circuit.
(9)Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King: Yeah my people he was apart of the conspiracy to dupe the Blackman into being submissive to the White power structure. But some where along the way he had a change of heart and they assassinated him. Of course with the help of none other than, Rev. Jesse Jackson (this dirty bastard, I hope he burns in hell).
This is all I can think of at the moment. I shall return. WAKE UP MY PEOPLE, THE HOUR GLASS IS ALMOST EMPTY. MAY PEACE AND BLESSINGS BE UPON YOU.
Alicia Keys is not her biological name.
ReplyDeleteShe was born as a boy and later changed her name to ALICIA KEYS.
Here are some more lazy-eyed celebs:
ReplyDeleteRza- Wutang Clan
Forest Whittaker
Matthew Knowles
Uma Thurman
Lady Ga-Ga
Denzel Washington- Unfortunately
Jeff Goldblum- Google Him! This man is NOT human!
Terrance Howard-Cross-eyed
Thandie Newton
Gwenneth Paltrow
Morgan Freeman---Incestuous Pervert/ Boule member
Wesley Snipes
Robert Downey Jr.
Bill Cosby-Head member of The Boule,Pervert/Rapist
Lisa Nicole Carson--Ally Mcbeal actress, Schizophrenic
Britney Spears--crosseyed
Christina Aguillar--crosseyed
Shall I go on???
Lady Dee
ReplyDeleteThe Devil knows his time is up and he's working overtime to take as many souls with him as he can. Once a person joins him THERE IS NO TURNING BACK. Unfortunately, Tupac took that oath, which is why "They" were able to end his life. I however admire the fact that he got the information out there. And I'm glad you brought up Steve Harvey. There was a young man on his sitcom by the name of Merlin Santana---does that name ring a bell? Merlin Santana was found shot in the head a few years back in someone's car. Word is, poor Merlin was one of Harvey's "victims" and a Boule neophyte. Towards the end of his last days Merlin became addicted to drugs, depressed, despondent and completely lost! When Katt Williams dissed Steve Harvey the pieces began to come together.
I have to get back to work right now---I'm in the medical field ;). I will speak to you more on this subject. God Bless you
Lady Dee
Beyonce has a lazy eye and Musiq Soulchild. That's why he always wear shades.
ReplyDeleteAaliyah had a lazy eye.
"Towards the end of his last days Merlin became addicted to drugs, depressed, despondent and completely lost! When Katt Williams dissed Steve Harvey the pieces began to come together."
ReplyDeleteSteve Harvey always joke about sleeping with his son and accidently spooning him (during his stand-ups).
The first time i saw this i said damn he's admitting to warming his son up to being molested. He shared his son's response when he (as in steve) woke up with a hard on and his son asked what's that...some shit like that.
Steve Harvey is one sick MF'er.
When Martin Lawerence curked out, he said that he was strung out on "love boat". He was doing way more than "love boat".
ReplyDeleteDude crossed over to the dark side. As soon as he married that so-called chick (women with dicks) he started doing some weird shit.
These situations within Hollywood are arranged and Martin is still hooked on it.
Gina was born as a hermaphrodite also.
I realise that being crosseyed may be a intersexed condition, however I don't believe that EVERYBODY that is crosseyed are intersexed. I just wanted to clearify that for others that log in to read this site. Now, I've been noticed that Forrest Whittiker is cockeyed and Bill Cosby, But I didn't know that Denzel, Wesley Snipes and alot of the others that you mentioned had this condition.
ReplyDeleteI would like to speak about Wesley Snipes for a minute. Mr Snipes is by far no dummy. He use to (Don't know if he still does) follow the teachings of Dr. Malachi York. This is the leader of the Nuwaubian Nation that was falsely accused of child molestation. The government KNEW that they had to get rid of him because he was waking too many people up. He has followers all over the world. They know who he is. Most of the ex followers that help set him up, RECANTED THEIR STORIES. But they would not put them of the witness stand. They DO NOT WANT YOU WAKING UP. The white power structure know that we as ppl of color out number them therefore it is easier to control us by DIVIDE AND CONQUER. THIS BROTHER IS INNCOCENT, PLEASE DO THE RESEARCH. Go to YouTube and listen to this master teacher speak. He is awesome!!!
Why do you think that Wesley stopped paying his taxes he realizes that income taxes are unconstitutional. Believe me he knows the truth about whats going down. Watch the trilogy movies Blade and look at the subliminal messages that he gives.
Praise be to the Most High for the sun cycle which began in 1970 and the Tamahu's rule has been in steep decline ever since. Combined with the polar shift that thare telling everyone will end the world, Yes it will end his world just like it wil end his-story. Peace in the Lamb is Truly wonderful!
ReplyDeleteNo Nicky Hilton is still shaped by Sa-man-tha Ronson and she look like Jim Carey (prior to surgery).
Yes I do remember Merlin Santana, he also use to be Brandy's love interest on the Moesha Show. It appears that many people afilliated with that show has fallen on hard times. Remember HAKEEM, the dark skinned brother that played on that show, well he died tragically in a car accident. I believe he was murdered also. It was said that he not too long before had another accident that almost killed him. There is alot more to that BS too. Brandy herself was in a car accident that fatally injured this female. It appears that the karma from that show is so negative. You never hear anything from the sister that played Brandy's best friend Kim and she was by far more talented than Brandy. I guess she wasn't willing to bite the bullet. Even though she had a good run with the Parkers. I don't like the way that show ended. Why in the fuck did the writers make her work for the white girl when the show was ending. Kim had more going for her that that bitch. All the white girl had was a black girls body and they praised the fuck out of her for that.
ReplyDeleteThey perform rituals during the taping of these sitcoms.
ReplyDeleteThey always call in the actor to shot and random scene that's NEVER added into the actual broadcast or shown to the actor.
Somehow it gets deleted. It's damn near evidence ("after the fact") for police, when it all goes down.
to shoot
ReplyDeleteJack from three's company died during a ritual.
ReplyDeleteDo you recall that he actually died on "set".
I forgot his real name.
Red Foxx died on set too while people laughed at him while he was falling-out. Something eerie about that too.
DeletePeace BlackGod! Brother by no means am I implying that everyone with lazy eyes are intersexed-LOL! Sorry for the confusion! I only meant that it is symptomatic of certain things (Remember eyes are windows to the soul and they do not lie!) Lazy eyes indicate SOMETHING funny within the brain---resulting from head injuries, pychosis, low I.Q, mental retardation, birth defects,stupor and crookedness. I, however am not just implying that it results ONLY from inbreeding nor am I implying that Denzel and CERTAIN others are inbred. But their LAZY eyes tell me something!
ReplyDeleteKeep in mind brother, Wesley Snipes, LIKE JAY-Z, is well aware of the teachings of Dr. York and the Nuwabic Nation but his deeds are questionable: He admitted his distaste for black women ( rejection of self) and his preference is ASIAN "women" which is who he is married to as we speak. I can't speak for anyone else---but I TRUST NO-ONE IN HOLLYWOOD. Ole Wes ( who was CHOSEN for all 3 VAMPIRE flics, Blade) did not make it as far as he did in Hollywood on talent alone--VERY few people do. SO keep an "EYE" LOL on Ole' Wes, he left America--I think he's running for his life! By the way, I wonder who is the Asian chick he's with and what's "her" background? BlackGod, please believe I would NEVER insult your intelligence by exaggerating on brothers such as Wesley and Denzel. SOMETHING is up with them!
Stay tuned....
Lady Dee
Dr York was THE FIRST teacher to speak on reptillians, secret societies, hermaphrodites, etc---a brilliant man! "They" got to him but his message got out and lots of blogs are out on these matters. He reached MANY people including celebrities and some celebrities try to make a difference but once they are threatened by the establishment, most of them do a 180.
ReplyDelete@ 4:30
ReplyDeleteTrust me, I don't put anything pass anyone in Hollyweird. And I do realize that Wesley hasn't made it this far w/o selling out to the Boule, however i think that he MAY HAVE tried to defect and thats why they set him up. Yes, and I am very aware that he CAN'T HANDLE BLACK WOMEN. This is why he chose an asian chick. Wesley is abusive to women. He is the one that busted crazy ass Hallie Berry's ear drum when they were dating. Alot of people don't know that he use to date Jada Pinkett. We all know that that lil sistah is a spit fire and I don't think she was going for his bullshit. He probably tried to put his hands on her and she dusted his ass. She is another demonic sister. Look at the name of her rock band, WICKED WISDOM. What kind of MF name is that. Why do the wisdom have to be wicked. Also, she is starting to look real hard in the face and Will is looking more feminin. This couple is demonic.
Believe me I don't think that Wesley follows Doc's teaching to the letter any longer, but I do believe that enough of Doc's teachings has reached him in a way where it will always plague his mind. When you are introduced to Dr. York, there is something in your conscousness that is sparked. This is your DNA coding that is suppose to wake you up LAZARUS. If it was meant for you to discover Rightknowledge, it is programmed in your DNA when you descend down to this physical plain.
Also to get a better understanding who DR. MALACHI YORK is you must follow his teachings from the very beginning. He is definately not of this world. I know this sounds far fetched but that is what the powers that be want it to sound like. They know their ass is getting ready to be dusted. The devil and his followers time is up. We are in what is called the sun cycle. It is time for the rebirth of OURSTORY. May Peace and Blessings be Upon you.
Oh by the way when I made the comment that "I didn't know that Denzel and the others had that condition", the condition I was referring to is lazy eye, not intersex. I know you wasn't trying to say they were hermies.
ReplyDeleteWhen you watch the movies Blade, what they are really showing you are the Reptilians that are blood suckers. They (the reptilians) need blood to substain their human matrix. This is what the movie Chitty Chitty Bang Bang was about. How the Royale Family in England have children stored in the dungons of the castle, waiting to be sacrificed.
ReplyDeletethere are 16 different species of Reptilians. Not all of them are trying to destroy man. You must understand that there is a galatical federation that oversees all that goes on in the planet earth. These beings CAN NOT interfare with free will. That is a gift that we received from the Omnipotent. The creator of all things. These celebrities and politicians give themselves willingly to these negative forces in exchange for material wealth. But I ask you what profit a man to gain the whole world and loose his soul.
Exactly BlackGod!! By the way did you know Good Ole' Denzel channels "spirits" before slipping into character. I could just see those eyes going their separate ways like a divorced couple! LOL--when you get a moment google Wesley and Denzel and click on images! Forest Whitaker admitted that his condition was "genetic". Did you ever see The Movie " The Crying Game?" Ole Forrest was HEAD OVER HEELS in love with a--- YOU GUESSED it-- A REAL LIFE HERMIE! I always ask myself, "Self, why are THESE particular actors chosen for these roles? LOL--The Lizards don't just hand out roles like candy, they look for who they think is "right" for the part. By the way, you're about not all Lizzies being bad. We as human have reptillian in our D.N.A from mild to very moderate. The Greys and the ones from the Dracos Constellation are the ones to watch out for!
ReplyDeletePeople with lazy eyes also appear to be under a spell or hypnosis of some sort. They seem suggestible and easily led astray and they seem to not "be all there". Perfect target for these bitter intersexuals--lol! Unless, of course they're intersexed to begin with or carry the trait! Keep it coming BlackGod--you inspire my conciousness : )! May God help us All in these difficult times
Lady Dee
***typo*** You're right about not all Lizards being bad
ReplyDeleteLady Dee
No I didnt know Wesley dated Jada Pinkett (another "androgynous" cross-eyed lesbian!) Wow! You learn something new everyday!
ReplyDeleteLady Dee
These people get very upset when they are called a "hermaphrodite" because doctors been calling them this since birth.
ReplyDeleteThat's why they never talk about their past or admit to being born as a hermaphrodite.
After they transform they totally forget their past -- at least until -- they run out of medication.
ReplyDeleteYou're right! Alicia Keys grew up to look nothing like herself. She's taking hormone pills to keep her appearance up as a female.
ReplyDeleteThis clearly explains her attraction to females.
May our LORD JESUS bless you all real good! Some people thought I was trippin; when I mentioned the illuminati and other secret societies that are pushing for this ONE WORLD ORDER! The BIBLE CANNOT LIE! II CORINTHIANS 11: 14 STATES: AND NO MARVEL; FOR Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light! EPHESIANS CHAPTER 6: VERSE 12 STATES: FOR WE WRESTLE NOT AGAINST FLESH AND BLOOD,BUT AGAINST PRINCIPALITIES, AGAINST POWERS,AGAINST THE RULERS OF THE DARKNESS OF THIS WORLD, AGAINST SPIRITUAL WICKEDNESSS IN HIGH PLACES. What do you think the FreeMasons,Eastern Stars,Council on Forieng Relations,Elks,The Rotary Club,and the YMCA Also our regular sororities of ALL backgrounds have ties with the Masons and The Eastern Stars! Alpha Kappa Alpha (Alicia Keys is a member),Delta Sigma Theta ( Sheryl Lee Ralph),Zeta Phi Beta(Sheryl Underwood),Sigma Gamma Rho(Victoria Rowell) Martin Luther King(Alpha Phi Alpha),Kappa Alpha Psi(Bishop Eddie Long),Omega Psi Phi(Steve Harvey) and Phi Beta Sigma(Blair Underwood)! Please go to G.Craige Lewis's Blogs and Videos! Also check out Gail Gray and Fred Hatchett stories on why they DENOUNCED their letters!!! People join these organizations worshipping idol gods!!! Why do you think JAY=Z is so successful? I had the chance to watch him and Alicia Keys on youtube doing that 'STUPID' song 'New York' and Jay-Z has the nerve to challenge JESUS? Look up the lyrics!! Saying that life begins when the CHURCH ends? Also saying that JESUS cannot save you? Are you kidding me? JESUS is soon to come back!!! Why do think HOLLYWEIRD is making so many movies about Aliens and Vampires? Especially Aliens? Because when the raputure takes place; people will be so brainwashed, that they will say that the 'Aliens' have taken GOD'S People away!!! The devil is a liar folks! May I suggest if you haven't already seek JESUS Christ as your personal savior and then get filled with the Holy Ghost? Time is getting short! Also just like the Statue of Liberty! That is the pagan goddes 'Diana'!! PLEASE READ ACTS CHAPTER 19: VERSES 24-41!! My sisters and brothers when it all boils down; Satan is just looking for praise and worship! Come on now this is spiritual war we are in! The devil gets his praise and worship through rock,hip-hop,and new age music! Watch that performance with Jay-Z and Alicia Keys on youtube from the American Music Awards! Alicia Keys threw up her allegiance to the baphomet! If you watch Jay-Z closely; he is looking @ her you better throw it up or else type look! I only listen and buy Gospel Music! I work with troubled youth, so when they ask me to listen to something, I tell them quickly to turn that mess off! Most of the music these days are promoting homosexuality,violence,competition,and lust! Why do you think that the White Controlled Illuminati had Michael Jackson killed by a FreeMason Dr.Murray? Because Michael started talking too much! Also got to www.latterdays.org and celebrity devil worship. Yes President Obama is a member of the Masons along with George W.Bush. Why do you think 'secretly the Republicans and Democrats get along so well? Most of them are Fraternal Brothers of the Masons,Skulls&Bones,and the Bohemian Grove!!! Lo-Sienot about the long post! Be Blessed in the LORD JESUS!!!!
ReplyDeleteI also remebered when a post or e-mail that was floating around this country! I know people in New York,Boston,Tennessee,and Long Beach! I can remeber when it was discovered that Alicia Keys and Kelis were older. People were going to the New York County Records; in which she had them sealed. I do believe that she is older due to the fact,you cannot be 27 years old fives years straight! Again the devil is a liar,so these celebrities become the illuminati puppets! It was never an accident how ALL of the attention was about Beyonce from the very beginnning. It wasn't an accident how Beyonce and Jay-Z became married! Just like the LORD JESUS has chosen people,so has the devil! Again it is a spiritiual warfare we are in; WHOSE SIDE WILL YOU CHOOSE?
ReplyDeleteI remember a long time ago when I was a student in Nairobi University, learning about Marcus Garvey's Back to Africa movement, and how William Dubois ridiculed his efforts, and especially his blackness. I was somehow confused and wondered, since Dubois was a Black man, why would he would ridicule Marcus Garvey's blackness?. Close to 30 years later, I have found the answer: the Boule society that was introduced to divide and suppress Americans of African origin, and the secrecy and the satanism that is part of this movement. All these 'top' Black entertainers, Jay z, alicia Keys, Beyonce, Rihanna, Denzel, Morgan Freeman etc etc are the issue of the Boule forefathers, and are continuing the role of watchdog and promoting hatred. I don't know whether the political leaders on the african continent are part of the Boule, but it is clear as daylight that they are 'paid', threatened, bribed, call it whatever you want, by Europe and the US and Canada to keep africans suffering and not to enjoy the wealth of our continent. A good example is how the president and prime Minister of Kenya set the ordinary people fighting among themselves after the 2007 elections, and how they are now preparing for further war for the next (2012) elections, by staged disagreements and quarrelling in public.
ReplyDeleteWhoever wins the elections, we the ordinary people will be in trouble, because they have signed a deal with the US government to let the latter build a base in Kenya to start re-colonizing Africa through a project that they call AFRICOM.
African leaders are the only people on this planet to sell their people to their worst enemies without a qualm.
The point about AFRICOM is right on and it ties back in to Barrack Obama. With that said however, the United Snakes has a much larger issue on their hands. As it is with the galactic council from time to time infighting ensues and that is what is happening between the the Asian Elite in china and the American european elite. The chinese are sick and tired of white aggression colonization and pretty much destruction of the planet. This another reason why china is gaining a strong foothold in Africa. There is one thing that the beast hates and fears and that is a coalition of melanin-nites which could conceivably happen because china and east asia has the financial and military might and Africa has the resources and the chinese are not interested in having leaders in africa who slaughter and kill their own peeps unlike the rockefellers and bilderbergers the chinese see population as a resource. Does this mean that this will be the solution for us as Pure seed melanin-nites not really, however in the words of Muhammad Ali no viet cong ever call me nigger. Beside as the sun cycle increases in it intensity they must go underground which is why they built all those bunkers under the pre-text of the cold war and nuclear holocaust which the galactic council will not allow either the reptilians or the tamahu to conduct (Just like in the movie the day the earth stood still) this is another one of their greatest fears and this is one of the reasons why they desperately want of this planet but they(tamahu)will not be allowed to leave the earth and this is why they mixed in with the reptilians to have a DNA link with them in the hopes that they may be able to leave this planet because if they don't returnign to the caves will cause them to de-evolve which is why they need us we never needed them for anything in the state we r in now it seems that we need them but in reality we never needed them for NOTHIN!
DeleteThat's Right!!!!! The Sun Cycle is here and since they are Melanin recessive, THEY WILL BE EXTERMINATED I'D THEY DO NOT RETURN TO THEIR CAVES IN CAPPADOCIA TURKEY
DeleteDid Aaliyah take the oath? How do you know that A.Keys is intersexual, is Beyonce?
ReplyDeleteMan i saw a recent picture of Alicia Keys without makeup and let's just say that its obvious that she gets spray on makeup.
ReplyDeleteHer face is filled with freckles just like the picture above when she was a child - not yet a teenager.
She has the same freckles that appears on Swiss beats face.
ReplyDeleteThey say that you marry your own kind. They will have kids who has freckles on their face.
ReplyDelete^^^^That word "HATER" is freaking played. People, such as yourself, use it for everything. When someone expresses their feelings or views on a subject that don't match with yours (not yours per se') you call them haters. Please cut out all the fuquery. You can call telling the truth hate if you want to but please keep in mind that "the truth" will be told regardless of how you feel about the people who are telling it.
ReplyDeleteMay peace and blessings be upon you
^^^That word "HATER" is so freaking played. Everytime a person expresses their views or opinions that don't coincide with yours(not yours per se') yall refer to them as haters. The public don't like to hear the truth about these fake azz celebrities that they worship. It is time to wake the hell up. This little dream world that your are living in is a nightmare. However through Rightknowledge you can free your mind and become very conscience to the reality of what is REALLY going on in the world.
ReplyDeletesorry didn't mean to post twice but it looked like my previous post didn't go through.
ReplyDeleteAaliyah was Damon Dash's sacrifice! These people take oaths to get those millions!! Proverbs 11:28 States: HE WHO TRUST IN HIS RICHES WILL FALL, BUT THE RIGHTEOUS WILL FLOURISH LIKE THE GREEN LEAF. PROVERBS 22:7 THE RICH RULES OVER THE POOR, AND THE BORROWER BECOMES THE LENDER'S SLAVE. I TIMOTHY 6:10 FOR THE LOVE OF MONEY IS THE ROOT TO ALL SORTS OF EVIL,AND SOME BY LONGING FOR IT HAVE WANDERED AWAY FROM THE FAITH AND PIERCED THEMSELVES WITH MANY GRIEFS! Don't get it twisted Sisters and Brothers in Ecclesiastes Chapter 10 it states: Money answers all things! The LORD JESUS wants us to be wise and to be Blessed of him. Having money is not evil, but loving it is!! When these celebrities get to a certain economic status, then the stakes are raised higher! This is why in the Bible you will find; that the LORD gives wealth that adds no sorrow behind it!!! Most of these celebrities have literally sold their souls for fame and fortune! Beyonce does have a demonic spirit named Sasha Fierce and to see little girls trying to imitate her? Be Careful what you say,what you do, because it will come back to you! Again; this is a spritiual warfare! Whose side will you choose? Heaven is real and so is Hell; and then the final judgement of the Lake of Fire!! These celebrities have souls just like everyone else! GOD is not impressed; and why should he be? He owns the heavens and and the earth! Look @ the situation with Brett from the group Poison! Think about it! He does not want certain members finding him from the Illuminati, this is part of the reason his hospital has not been disclosed. I pray that he gets saved, because all of that success he obtained payday has come!!!
ReplyDeleteTHE BIBLE was plagarized from the books that came out of ancient Sumeria called The Gilgamesh epics and The Emnulish tablets. If one was to study the stories that was written about people that lived Neolithic Eigpt, you will discover that most of the "characters " spoken about in this so called holy book, was a rip off of THESE GREAT NUBIAN RULERS. These stories predate the Bible as we know it. As you can see, the Bible was written in old English. This language (any kind of English ) did not exist when the epics & tablets were written. The Bible went through about four translations before we were introduced to the versions we have today. This version was written to appease the European aristocats, by none other than WILLIAM SHAKESPEARE. This is also why it is called BI-BILL. Holy by Bill (William ).
ReplyDelete@Truth said
ReplyDeleteDo get me wrong, I'm not discounting anything that you've said, you were right and exact about your analysis of the demonic workings of the entertainment industry. However, I just wanted to shed some light on the truth about this so-called holy book that the beast have Nubian ppl abroad believing in. MAY PEACE AND BLESSINGS BE UPON YOU
Don't get me wrong. ...typo sorry
ReplyDeleteyall sound silly....everyones body has 1 side thats smaller than the other..which would include the eye
ReplyDeleteCONSPIRACY THEROIST, THere is a lot more that meets the eye. IT IS CALLED THE HEART1
ReplyDeletewhat about dennis rodman, madonna, donald trump
ReplyDelete@ 7:42 AM
ReplyDeleteHeard of the so-called pregnant man? It's possible that Alicia Keys was born as a male, with a Uterus, who had her penis cut off shortly after birth and took hormone pills to push her body into female.
Tell you what, Alicia Keys was a funny look baby girl little girl. Those hormone pills gave her the push she needed before she entered into high school.
ReplyDeleteu people need to get a life and stop dippin in other's lives
ReplyDeleteHahaha @ 5:39 PM
ReplyDeleteYou're wrong, these people have shared their story and their story has become open to public opinion.
Alicia Keys was on a television show - it was the decision of her mother to place her there (the monies received paid for her Piano and vocal lessons), now look at her.
ReplyDeleteIf Alicia Keys didn't point out that she was on the Cosby Show, no one would've known - could've easily passed as a boy - even Bill Cosby thought that she was a boy.
I also had a short afro when I was a little girl, AND my mom often dressed me in sweat suits. I guess that proves that I'm inter-sexed as well!
ReplyDeleteWow, I never had a clue...
Did your mother grind up some hormone pills and place them in your baby food because you were too young to swallow pills?
ReplyDeleteI wore sweats too, only when it was time to play on the playground. Bill Cosby didn't know what to call Alicia Keys.
**clapping @ 3:12am**
ReplyDeleteIntersex people cant have children.... (if you people actually did some research). Where did Egypt come from. What have yall dome with you lives? You guys are serious losers who pull other people down because deep inside you wish that was you....shame hope you find contentment one day
I wonder why people choose to be like that!!surely all that our Lord did for us on calvary,is it not enough?how can other people choose to transform themselves when God is happy with the way we look.God loves us and let us not be flourished by the fading sweetness of the devil.dont date the devil no matter how nice he may seem to be because even he knows that there is only one true God,the Almighty.
ReplyDeleteI gotta look at that again!!!!
DeleteНi there i am kaѵin, іts mу fiгst occasion to
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piecе of wrіting i thought i could also сгeatе
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