Berdache ( Berdach) is a term used by anthropologist to refer to an androgynous, morphological male who fills non-masculine social roles. The berdache is trained to fulfill female gender work responsibilities. He adapts much of the behavior, language, and social roles of women and mixes both men's and women's clothing with garments denoting his sacred status.
The berdache is sexually androgynous not homosexual. None of the contemporary generalizations, like transsexual, homosexual, and transvestite, used to describe the berdache are accurate. The berdache is halfmen-halfwomen....
Hollywood is heavily promoting "incest" by indirectly encouraging the production of the "berdache" beings. If you read through cases of those birthed through an incestuous relationship, most of their gene tails are neither male nor female, and they are often labeled as half men-half women. If you look closely at the before and after surgery photos of today's celebrities, almost 85% were onced labeled as half men and or half women.
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