Oprah Winfrey reveals that her new movie with Tyler Perry, felt like a "modern-day Color Purple".
According to Oprah:
Teachers? Did you retain your knowledge of incest through the Darwinism's research studies? Henry Ward Beecher's sex scandal? Eugenics? Sarah Blaffer Hrdy? Natural Selection? Is incest really "evergreen"?
It is important to note that, Oprah never included the book "Push" within the Oprah Winfrey Book Club because she felt that, people would think that she had lost her mind...
Instead, she's preparing to release this incest filled movie during the month in which "Thanksgiving" is celebrated.
To "Push" her film, she hired a few well known entertainers to ensure that people "will" come out to see this movie.
According to Tyler Perry:
"The character that Mo'Nique (the monstrous matriach) played is my father. I grew up in that situation, listening to those words being hurled by me. When Precious would flash out and be somewhere else in a happier place, it reminded me so much of the things I used to do. Because I could be in that hell and hearing it and not be there. I was somewhere else in a happier space. It was all those things that made me go 'I've got to be involved, I've got to be involved.' I think Precious found me actually."
Oprah is at it again and she had the nerve to wear the color purple.
ReplyDeleteThe subject of incest remains a taboo subject and just by Oprah mentioning the word "evergreen", she stating that as long as people continue to have sex and produce children through incest, more money will be produced to study and research these "Neonates".
Read this:
Research Involving Pregnant Women and Neonates
Pregnant women or fetuses may be involved in research if all of the conditions that are listed in §46.204 are met. Consistent with the research protections found in Subpart A and applicable to all human research subjects, there should be sufficient preclinical and clinical data to assess “potential risks to pregnant women and fetuses.” Absent the prospect of direct benefit for either the pregnant woman or the fetus, the risk to the fetus must be minimal and the knowledge to be obtained must be important and unobtainable by any other means.
The definition of minimal risk is found in Subpart A: “Minimal risk means that the probability and magnitude of harm or discomfort anticipated in the research are not greater in and of themselves than those ordinarily encountered in daily life or during the performance of routine physical or psychological examinations or tests.”
“If the research holds out the prospect of direct benefit solely to the fetus then the consent of the pregnant woman and the father is obtained in accord with the informed consent provisions of subpart A of this part, except that the father’s consent need not be obtained if he is unable to consent because of unavailability, incompetence, or temporary incapacity or the pregnancy resulted from rape or incest.” Otherwise, the consent of the pregnant woman is sufficient. “For children as defined in §46.402(a) who are pregnant, assent and permission are obtained in accord with the provisions of subpart D of this part.”
Mo'Nique is still refusing to promote Precious, a film which will probably win her an Oscar for Best Supporting Actress. This comes weeks after it was revealed that she hasn't done any press because the producers haven't given into her demands to be paid a stack of cash -- preferably in 10s and 20s.
ReplyDeleteAccording to Showbiz 411's Roger Friedman, who is on these these things, Mo'Nique will not attend the film's huge premiere in NYC this weekend and, to add to the drama, her publicist of two weeks, Tresa Sanders, has just up and quit!
Tresa, who has repped Mary J. Blige and other hip-hop divas, quit yesterday after having to come up with excuses after excuses as to why Mo'Nique is not promoting the film and won't attend this weekend's premier.
Roger says "Mo’Nique has gotten herself a reputation for demanding money for showing up to promote Precious. It’s a first in Oscar history."
Granted Mo'Nique is working on her new talk show which premiers Monday, but that first show has already been taped and she's not taping on Saturday or Sunday. So why is she not coming to NY?
Seems like that almost certain Academy Award for Best Supporting Actress will no longer be a sure thing.
I believe this issue is deeper than the beg for money. Hollywood has a history of turning a movie set into a live video taped ritual.
Monique can't speak on what really happened on set because she signed a contract.
It silenced her.
Oprah is in control of Monique, now.
ReplyDeleteThere is no denying that Precious has got critics and audiences in a lather, with audiences at Sundance, Cannes, and TIFF lauding the harrowing adaptation of Sapphire's first novel. Mo'Nique's performance as Precious' horrendously abusive mother monster Mary has also gotten folks humming about an Oscar nomination for the comedian, who readily acknowledges the dark places she had to go for this role. She told Eric Kohn in an interview at last year's Sundance that she herself was sexually abused and "The person who molested me was a monster. So I had to go to that person, because I know what it was like for me. [Daniels] said action, and be that monster." And wow, what a monster she became; each scene she was in cut closer to the bone. I covered my eyes in at least one scene and left the screening room slack-jawed.
ReplyDeleteBut Roger Friedman at the Hollywood Reporter writes that Mo'Nique skipped press for the film at Cannes, TIFF, and the New York Film Festival, and that her newest publicist of just two weeks quit. Friedman writes "that Mo'Nique has gotten herself a reputation for demanding money for showing up to promote Precious. It's a first in Oscar history."
There was recently a knockout feature in the October 2009 issue of W featuring her and Precious star Gabourey Sidibe, but otherwise, Mo'Nique has been AWOL. Friedman adds, "The ostensible reason for this absence is that her BET talk show starts next week and she's taping shows. But she's not taping on Saturday or Sunday, so that dog doesn't hunt. And the first show, for Monday, is in the can."
Okay, so she's not promoting the film, which has got even exec producer Oprah and uber-diva Mariah Carey out on the red carpet. To play the devil's advocate, does an actor really need to promote his or her film to earn an Oscar nomination? On the other hand, should anyone be paid to actually promote a film? Wouldn't you think that, no matter his or her chances at a little gold statue, someone in a role that was so personal and painful would want to talk about it? I'd like to give her the benefit of the doubt, that it's just too painful to rehash again and again, but I doubt it.
Plenty of stars demand certain perks to be on the covers of magazines – expensive stylists of their choosing and the like – but we're not (necessarily) talking magazine covers. We're talking about walking down a carpet and watching your own movie at the very least.
What's your take on it? Do you think the rumors are true? And if so, should an actor's behavior such as this affect his or her chances at a well-deserved nomination?
Monique was raped by a relative.
ReplyDeleteTyler Perry was raped by a relative.
Oprah Winfrey was raped by a relative.
I mean DAMN! Now they want to sell their stories of incest and produce movies?
To encourage the engagements of rape and incest?
How many times did BET air the Color Purple this year?
Monique is in a dark place right now. That made her tap into her inner darkness. She carries the trait.
Finding the 'Precious' inside
ReplyDelete"Precious" is about an obese, illiterate and abused young African-American girl, played by Sidibe, and how her blossoming self-awareness is nurtured by a caring teacher, played by Patton. Daniels, who said he made the movie for his kids and for his mother, called the film "a snapshot into my world" and said he was nervous about "letting other people inside my head, my home space."
When asked if that meant that he was "Precious," too, he said yes.
"And so are you," he added. "That's what I learned. I didn't know it would affect people the way it has. I thought maybe my family, neighbors and people I went to school with" would relate to the film. "I didn't know it would have a universal appeal."
"Precious" was written by Brooklyn-based teacher turned poet and novelist Sapphire and published in 1996, which is when Daniels, then a talent manager, first read it. It is "completely fictional," said Daniels, but the character of Precious "is based on a bunch of students" Sapphire taught. Daniels was immediately smitten, but the author, he said, "did not want to see her book as a film. She's truly an auteur. An intellectual. She did not care for and was unimpressed with Hollywood."
"Precious" is Daniels' second film as a director, but he produced two other gritty works: "The Woodsman," with Kevin Bacon as a convicted sex offender, and "Monster's Ball," for which Halle Berry won an Oscar for best actress. It turned out Sapphire admired "Monster's Ball" and agreed to sell him the rights.
"I was really lucky," Daniels said. "Not lucky. Blessed."
Sapphire likes the film, he said. "She cried in my arms when she saw it," he recalled.
Lee Daniels was raped too!
ReplyDeleteThere goes Hollywood!
I know my post if off topic but i know i have read on this blog that Beyonce is an intersex... i am curious about something though cos i just read on TMZ that Matty is being slammed with a paternity lawsuit apparently impregnated some woman. For some reason i believe Matthew is not Beyonce and Solange's biological father. They don't even look alike at all. I just think karma is catching up with this so called family and their dirty laundry is being aired slowly.
ReplyDeleteis* off topic i meant
ReplyDeleteWow @ 11:56am Oprah MEANS BUSINESS!! Got the word PRECIOUS strategically positioned behind her head in PURPLE. She's wearing PURPLE eyeshadow, PURPLE lipstick and a PURPLE one-piece. Can this old bitch NOT BE ANY MORE BLATANT!!!
ReplyDeleteMonique originally signed on to this project possibly because of Tyler Perry. I'm sure she had not anticipated the big hungry beast that is Oprah to take it to such "lengths". Oprah is dangerous and a sociopath. Roseanne Bar says Oprah controls an implant in her brain. Why would something like this be so hard to believe? She is a billionare rubbing neck to neck with ELITE minds in technology and science such as Bill Gates, NASA, geneticists, engineers, heads of powerful corporations, the CIA and the Medical Association. Most black people steer clear of this kind of shit (unless of course, it's hopelessly beyond our control)so that's where pawns like Obama, Oprah and Jay-Z come in. Obama is nice-looking with a great smile. I can't help but think he would still smile that same smile while leading millions of people to their demise.It's starting to become a bit like a caricature. Oprah decieves by falsely exuding a maternal and humble bond with her audience. She connected with many broken spirits by revealing HER OWN incest abuse. Which was cool because I guess it gave many incest abuse survivors "hope". If they follow a fellow victim such as Oprah then they too, can acheive and be "happy" like Oprah. Oprah doubles as a smokescreen "fairy godmother" to the unfortunate traumatized victims only to further exploit them. Look at that girls' school she built. Look how many con-artists she's connected with, look at that quack doctor she sent to kill Kanye's mom (I have another "theory" on that one) and just about all of her questionable activities.
As for the general topic of this blog.
Androgyny is essential for the elite in creating a mind-controlled slave. They believe that their subject's "usefullness" is more powerful when they posess a dual nature which is the masculine and feminine principle. Under extreme amounts of torture a victim(regardless of gender) will fracture into male and female alter-egos which can be programmed for sex among other things that serve their interests. It makes sense that a primary asset to them would be an intersex. During a torture ritual the feminine(passive) aspect helps them endure horrendous pain and the masculine(aggression) gives them the strength and the courage to withstand the trauma. This sees like a good thing in that regard but these people live hellish lives in secrecy, confusion and misery. This makes them bitter and hateful and useful tools in ushering in genocide(hateful of life)homosexuality(same-sex confusion/androgyny)mockery of heterosexual union, pedophillia(gays and lesbians RELENTLESSLY target children)and other perversions.They will always tell you they were MOLESTED or abused as children which naturally warrents compassion and sympathy. But TRUST and BELIEVE that their primary goal is to spread and NORMALIZE this agenda under the guise of "making us aware".
Children born thru incest(especially intersex) are the perfect vessel for the elite agenda. They, themselves created their structure thru inbreeding and this trait is RAMPANT in Hollywood. Google the actress DARRYL Hannah.(Actress/Ex-lover of JFK Jr) Growing up she played on The BOY'S soccer team in SCHOOL. No childhood pics (like Lady Gaga)and limited background info.
During conception a protein deficiency affects the proper formation of the sexual developement in embryos. Proper protein chains connect to form NORMAL DNA strands consisting of 23 CODED chromosomes each. A deviation or abnormalties in these codes can severely affect physical, mental and SEXUAL DEVELOPMENT in an unborn child. The cheapest,quickest and easiest way to do this is thru INCEST/INBREEDING.
Hermaphrodites are their best kept secret weapon!
Monique most likely had a mental breakdown because of this movie. I'm sure her childhood abuse was a BURIED secret that she revealed CONFIDENTIALLY and was betrayed by the very people she trusted. In other words she was manipulated and exploited and now she's rebelling so first they will make her out to be "crazy" and then they(meaning Oprah and Co) will find a way to destroy her like they have done so many others. But I don't feel sorry for Monique---she's one of them! Yet I don't blame her for not wanting to be sucked into that madness that Oprah is traditionally upholding.She made a mistake baring her soul in that dreadful movie now she should try to move on. Resist Oprah's clutches and get back in the healing aspect of laughter and comedy. I wonder how Mariah fits into all this.....She accompanied Oprah to the grand opening of that damn school in Africa too. Mariah is the true definition of a Monarch slave. Another HollyWeirdo! Tyler Perry may as well have dressed as his alter-ego Madea---this is coonery and misery at it's finest!
ReplyDelete@ LadyDee
ReplyDeleteThe color "purple" is the color selected in support of incest.
If you go see this movie or happen to view clips through a bootleg copy, take a count of objects, garments...you know people wearing or displaying their color purple.
That remains Prince favorite color and no one understood it..until now.
He has taken so much estrogen pills that his bones are weak! He fractured his hip twice and now he's walking around with a diamond studded cane..like that's cute.
He was one to wear with everyone outfit.
They are many blog spot who will change the color of the background to the color purple.
...when I was very young, my mother decided to leave my father...she had had enough of his insanity. She loaded me and my two sisters up in an old Cadillac that he had bought for her, and drove to California. When he realized she was gone, he called the police and reported the car stolen, as it was in his name. My mother was arrested and my two sisters and I were put in the cell with her. He and my uncle drove from Louisiana to California to get us. We spent several days in jail waiting for him. He bailed her out and couldn't wait to get her into the car. He got into the back seat with us and beat her black and blue from California to Louisiana, as me and my sisters watched Even though I was only two or three, I know that this had to have some effect on me.
ReplyDeleteNot long ago, I was asked to speak at an engagement. I walked in and I was told that they had assigned a person to take care of me while I was there. She walked up to me, all of 5'2 " of her, and asked if I needed anything. I looked at her and started to sweat. It took me back thirty-something years to her apartment. I couldn't have been more than 10 years old when I went over to play with her son and Matchbox cars. She opened the door in skimpy lingerie. There was a man sitting on the couch, smoking. She told me that her son was in the bedroom. I was there playing with him about 20 minutes when I heard the man arguing with her. He said he was leaving and slammed the door. She came into the bedroom and told me that I had to go home. She told her son to take a bath and she locked him in the bathroom. I was at the front door trying to get out, when she came in and laid on the sofa and asked me if I wanted the key. I told her I had to go home as it was getting dark. She put the key inside of herself and told me to come get it, pulling me on top of her.
My mother was out one night, as she loved to play bingo, and my father came home...mad at the world. He was drunk, as he was most of the time. He got the vacuum cleaner extension cord and trapped me in a room and beat me until the skin was coming off my back. To this day, I don't know what would make a person do something like that to a child. But thank God that in my mind, I left. I didn't feel it anymore, just like in PRECIOUS. How this girl would leave in her mind. I learned to use my gift, as it was my imagination that let me escape After he was done with his rant he passed out. Since my aunt lived two doors down, I ran to her. She saw me and was horrified. She loaded her 357 and went to kill him. Holding a gun to his head, her husband came and stopped her.
ReplyDeleteMemories at 40: I got a call not long ago from a friend. He told me that a man that I knew from church when I was a kid had died and he didn't have any insurance. His family was trying to reach out to me to see if I would pay for his funeral. I quickly said no, but I wish I would have said yes. There is something so powerful to me in burying the man that molested me. I wish I would have dug the grave myself.
Memories at 40: I was about 8 or 9 years old. I had a crush on a little girl across the street. She would come over to my house and we'd play. She was about 12 or 13. One day she stopped coming and when I asked her why, she told me that my father was touching her. I didn't believe her, so I talked her into staying one night. We were both asleep -- she was in one bed and I was in another. I opened my eyes to see my father trying to touch her and her pushing him away. I moved in my bed trying to make him think I was waking up. He looked over at me and left out of the room. Not long after that, he beat me mercilessly for something again. Another mind game set up, so I told my mother what he had done. The blood drained from her face. We left that day. We were at my Aunt's house and he came there about 1am. Not long after that we were back at home. Nothing would compare to the random, drunken, violent beatings I would receive from then until I was 19.
...As a kid I was always sick. I had asthma and he hated it. He hated that I wasn't strong and virile like him. He hated that I couldn't be in the sawdust, pollen and the raw lumber like him. He hated that I liked to read and write and draw. He hated that me and my middle sister were darker-skinned than him. He didn't think he could make a dark baby. He just hated everything about me I guess. Anyway, I had to go to the doctor every Tuesday to get shots to control my allergies. When his mother found out she said, "Ain't nothing wrong with that damn boy...he just got germs on him. Stop wasting all that money. " When my mother left to visit some friends I heard what sounded like water running in a tub but it was sporadic. She came and got me out of the living room leaving my Matchbox cars on the floor. She said she was going to kill these germs on me once and for all. She gave me a bath in ammonia.
Tyler Perry revealed his abuse!
ReplyDeleteThese were posted on his website. Each paragraph is missing an imperative part.
ReplyDeleteIt's like Tyler’s brain has farted.
I don't mean to add humor to this but he sounds a bit insane, just like his so-called father.
I don't believe that he and his siblings were locked in a jail cell with their mother.
Was that "Madea" revealing the so-called truth or another personality that Tyler has hidden within?
Tlyer Perry is a sick bastard. When he stated that, "She said she was going to kill these germs on me once and for all. She gave me a bath in ammonia."
ReplyDeleteRead this and please read up on a "Turkish Bath":
In 1888 while visiting at a stock farm outside Louisville, Kentucky, my son, Doctor John A. Cutter, was consulted by a lady who for fifteen years had suffered from intolerable itching after bathing. She was the mother of several children; had nearly died several times from post-partum haemorrhage; her water was deeply loaded with bile; under the microscope crystals of cholesterine were found in the urine and blood. He put her upon absolute beef diet for a month, and then a more elastic diet was allowed; the urine cleared up, the symptoms of itching were controlled. Several years afterwards she wrote him that she had been in good condition and comfort. This was a case of fatty liver and fatty womb.
Ammonia sponge baths—that is, two or more teaspoonf uls of aqua ammonia, according to strength, to one quart of warm water—are excellent, night and morning or both, incases of fatty ills. It is only necessary to squeeze the sponge so it will not drip, rub over one part of the body, and wipe dry; next another part of the body; and so on until the whole surface is gone over. The glow and tingle which usually follow prove that the circulation in the skin has been quickened, and thus internal congestion may be removed.
Turkish baths are well borne by some, but I think are not so good as the ammonia sponge-baths in these cases. Indeed, I was once called to a man who was supposed to be dying in a Turkish bath. His heart was fatty and had almost ceased to beat because of the shock of the bath; this leads me to say that hot tub-baths are agents of great biological power. The following cases prove this:
The Medical age, Volume 15