Mo'Nique has revealed that she was molested by her older brother at age seven. She also shares that, he would lure her into "the bedroom" with candy and her parents never believed her.
According to Mo'Nique:
"I was molested by my older brother....And even when I confronted him and told my parents, he said I was lying, and nothing was really done....because me and my brother were both their children, and I just don’t know the kind of position they felt they were in...My father was very upset, but it never got mentioned again. I’ll never forget my mother saying, ‘If it’s true, it will surface again,’ and I remember thinking, ‘Why would I lie? Why is there even an if in this?’ I was angry with them for so long, because I felt as if they should have seen what was happening...My brother was a monster to me....He still acts like he doesn’t know what I’m talking about. So screw hurting your feelings. You need to get your feelings hurt, and you need to get some help."Many media outlets are reporting that
Mo'Nique's brother served 15 years in prison for sexually abusing another girl and has never apologized to his sister for sexually abusing her.
Damn thats a shame. Everytime I turn around someone in Hollyweird is claiming molestation. That is not some story I would ever share with the public, but I'll tell you what, who every would have put their hands on me would be a dead individual.
ReplyDeleteIf I'm not mistaken, In Monique's so called autobiography she claimed that her older brother is her manager. Unless she has another older brother.
ReplyDeleteShe supposely has one sister and one brother. What kind of shit is that. All these entertainers are hiding some dark secret. It is really sad
Why would she chose to play a part like this. And if Mariah is not careful they are going to drag her ass back to the Mental hosp. What in the heck is she doing hanging around Oprah's snake azz.
Mariah is the only one that has yet to claim that she too was molested.
ReplyDeleteThey kept this secret within and never told anyone.
I don't believe this shit. And Tyler Perry has told everyone that he was molested. I truly believe that they are reading someone else case study to validate their lies and to promote this incest filled story.
Oprah's father is really her oldest brother and her so-called mother is really her oldest sister.
Shit - did someone molest Mary J. Blidge?
ReplyDeleteShit - they will not trip off of Mary because she's married to one of her cousins!
That's her distant COUSIN!
@ BlackGod
ReplyDeleteMo'Nique is just like Oprah.
They will keep telling fibs about the members within their immediate family.
Now that Monique has a talk show, she's competition for Oprah.
Oprah performed a few witch spells on Mo'Nique during the taping of Precious. Mo'Nique is under Oprah's spell.
She will not advance further unless Oprah says that she can!
lol - Monique said that she confronted the person who molested her and she had to tap into the anger in order to portray this character.
This is for those with knowledge who have trouble believing that hermaphrodites can and DO have babies!
ReplyDeletePregnancy in a hermaphrodite with a male-predominant mosaic karyotype.Schoenhaus SA, Lentz SE, Saber P, Munro MG, Kivnick S.
Kaiser Permanente Southern California, West Los Angeles and Los Angeles Medical Centers, Los Angeles, California 90034, USA.
OBJECTIVE: To report a pregnancy in a hermaphrodite and review of the literature. DESIGN: Case report and literature review. SETTING: Clinical. PATIENT(S): A patient with male-predominant mosaic karyotype 96% 46XY. INTERVENTION(S): Removal of left ovotestis in combination with a supracervical hysterectomy and bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURE(S): Identification of published cases of pregnancy and hermaphroditism. RESULT(S): The current patient had previous pregnancy and a wedge biopsy of her left gonad, which demonstrated an ovotestis and an area suspicious for a gonadoblastoma. After delivery of her second pregnancy, the patient underwent a hysterectomy and bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy. The histopathologic evaluation following bilateral oophorectomy demonstrated a residual ovotestis without further evidence of a gonadoblastoma. Review of the literature identified 10 other cases of pregnancy in a hermaphrodite patient. CONCLUSION(S): This is the 11th reported case of fertility in a true hermaphrodite and only the second report of a mosaic true hermaphrodite to demonstrate fertility. This is the only case of a pregnancy involving a male-predominant mosaic 96% 46XY and the only case to confirm the genetics of the offspring.
PMID: 18394621 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
A salpingo-oophorectomy is THE REMOVAL OF OVARIES AND FALLOPIAN TUBES! Gonadoblastoma are MALE SEX CELLS!In this case there was a 'suspicion' of live sperm cells even though the subect was pregnant! After PREGNANCY and DELIVERING "2" children, the subject decided to become a MALE. The medical texts CLAIM this was only the 11th case on public record.
ReplyDeleteI say they're full of shit! There are LOTS more cases! Especially in Hollyweird!
Special thanks to the Mod who endured and continues to endure all the abuse and taunting from naysayers and programmed fools. You know who you are!
How many under-age pregnancies occurred on record with these young girls having "no idea" who the "father" is? Cause most likely they are being passed around by family members! What can the medical authorites go on if there is no father to submit a blood test! Just like in this movie Oprah is promoting: Precious is repeatedly raped by her biological father and births two of his children. One child is a "female" child with Down's Syndrome. The next child is a male child with NO VISIBLE birth-defects. Thru-out all of this Precious is threatened by her perverted mother (played by Monique) NOT TO TELL ANYONE ANYTHING! So obviously this newborn child is going thru life with undiagnosed chromosomal defects.
This story may be fiction to the public, but it is indeed a VERY REAL REALITY to the freaks we call sucksessful celebrities.
The subject had 96% of the XY chromosome which is the male sex code----yet he/she had ovaries a UTERUS and FALLOPIAN TUBES! Since there was an overwhelming majority of the maculine aspect present, the subject decided to become the children's father rather than mother. Talk about the best of both worlds! Did anyone peep the source of this study? Los Angeles California in the heart of Hollywood! Kaiser Permanente and those other assholes only reported 11 cases on public record. They are full of shit!
ReplyDeleteThe subject at hand was also only the second reported case of being a true hermaphrodite with fertile sperm cells to also give birth! There are PLENTY of reasons to keep the truth of this phenomenon top secret!
ReplyDeleteBut the freaks in hollywood are tired of hiding behind a disguise! They are telling their stories in the roles that they choose and the taboos they represent. Oprah is the elite's golden girl for desensitizing and normalizing incest in black people. Misery loves company!
This post is from Oprah's website.....Oprah.com
ReplyDeleteThis is in regards to a book from Oprah's book club called 'Growing up in Middlesex' about the intersex.
Denial isn't just a river in egypt! LOL
80. Re: Growing Up Intersex and a Discussion of the Book "Middlesex"
Oct 1, 2007 9:26 PM | In response to: wolfgrrrl
In regard to a post by wolfgrrl...i too am alarmed at the book linking intersex to incest....if this opinion is taken up by the public then it will push us further down
ReplyDeleteHere is a link to Oprah's website in regards to intersex. M
May the truth continue to free us all!
God Bless!
"Since there was an overwhelming majority of the maculine aspect present, the subject decided to become the children's father rather than mother. Talk about the best of both worlds! Did anyone peep the source of this study? Los Angeles California in the heart of Hollywood!"
ReplyDeleteLady Dee - Have you ran across pictures of Jay'Z mother "Gloria Carter"? That bish was born as a hermaphrodite and Jay-Z grew up not knowing his father for a reason. He was on the Oprah Winfrey show telling a damn fib about how his father ran out on him. His mother is really his father who decided to become "female" after she gave birth to her children.
This isht is so real and people truly believe that it doesn't exist.
Lady Ga-Ga was born as a hermaphrodite. People are trying to produce these normal videos of her before she transformed into Lady Ga-Ga. Let me share this with you, Lady Ga-Ga is directly related to Barbara Striesand.
How can you refute the fact that her penis popped out on stage?
Middlesex is about INCEST! The story revolves around the love affair of two cousins.
Oprah is a sneaky bitch!
Oh and by the way, Anon---thanks for the link to the Pubmed website! Very helpful indeed!
ReplyDeleteNow I have never actually seen Gloria Carter but I heard a little bit about her. I know she is very good at avoiding the spotlight. One clue is that quite a few people have been revealing that she is a lesbian much to her son's dismay. The irony also is that she is rumored to have had as many as 10 children! And no father? Not to mention that Jay-Z looks and seems a bit "slow" kinda like Mase--lol!
Now I guess it's safe to say that ANYTHING is possible when you got about 40 relatives living in a 2 bedroom apartment. But I'm not only targeting poor people---Incest is a ritual that is FAVORED by the rich elites in order to hoard their wealth and power---keep it in the family so to speak.
Genetic defects are a curse---plain and simple.
Intersexuals are hybrid monsters no different than the freakish monstrosities hidden in basements and out of public view. The only difference is that the rich elites invest lots of money in medical research to make their inbred hybrid offspring more presentable with hormone therapy, plastic surgery and gender reassignment surgery of their choice. Sometimes the hormone therapy may affect their fertility, I guess that's why in vitro-fertilization is now the norm for getting knocked up in hollywood. So eager to pass along those ungodly traits!
"Sometimes the hormone therapy may affect their fertility, I guess that's why in vitro-fertilization is now the norm for getting knocked up in hollywood."
ReplyDeleteInstantly, i thought about Halle Berry and Celine Dion. Information listed on the pubmed website IS powerful and i am shocked that the media don't seek information from that website.
Oprah. I don't know what to say about her. How can you state that a man became pregnant without researching HOW this became possible?
That man was really a pregnant hermaphrodite. A true hermaphrodite who had a sex change (amongst other things). Both parents were born with a intersex condition and their children will grow up with the same conditions.
and Oprah supports this?
I also read that the sports minister in Africa will not step down because, he has stated that the word "hermaphrodite" doesn't exist in his native language.
So, therefore Caster Semenya wasn't born as a hermaphrodite because the word hermaphrodite doesn't exist in his native language?
Education people! Education people!
Instead, the word exist in all countries that caster ran a race in.
I read through a few reports stating that hermaphrodites doesn't exist. Well, maybe they have yet to discover the pubmed.gov website.
Valid data from experienced health professionals.
@ Lady Dee
ReplyDeleteI was reading through a few blogs today and i came across pictures of Jay-Z at a baseball game. Many people spoke of his geeky look. I was more interested in his black eye - not his weird looking glasses. He was with Beyonce yesterday in Norway.
Look at this picture of Gloria Carter and Beyonce:
She look just like KRS-ONE! He might be her eldest son!
Look, i also read information on Robert Kardashian. His daughter Khloe was the one who walked from OJ's house with evidence in a duffle bag. She's the same height as her dad and has the same built. It's been over ten years right? She's taking those hormone pills. After he father's death, she moved in with her stepmother that she didn't get along with. Many loopholes i say.
'Precious,' starring Mo'Nique, is ready to pop
ReplyDeleteOctober 29, 2009 By JOHN ANDERSON Special to Newsday
Precious is ready to pop huh? Are those bastards trying to be funny?????