Monday, August 31, 2009

The Hermaphrodite: Natasha or Jon

There's a documentary floating around the U.K. about a boy name Jon. For 15 years, Jon was raised as a girl name "Natasha".

At the age of five year old, Natasha always felt like a boy and reveals that she could never identity as a female.

At 16, Jon has reached "puberty" and his body has begun to change into a male. His mother is claiming that she knew nothing about her child's gender identity disorder. Together, they agreed to embark on a transition for "Natasha" to become a male and to have this entire process televised.

Doctors are confirming that Jon has been diagnosed with a intersex condition called , "gender dysphoria". This condition affects over 100 British children every year.

Jon and Luisa will spend the first three months of his transition undergoing testosterone treatments that will push his female body into male puberty.

The title of the documentary is called, "The Boy Who Was Born a Girl" and it's produced and directed by Moon and executive produced by John Geraint.

The first cut of this documentary will air in the U.K. on Friday 4 September @ 8pm on Channel 4.

Story Continues...

Friday, August 28, 2009

The Hermaphrodite: Joshua Mack or Nana Boo

Yesterday, a hermaphrodite was stabbed to death in Washington D.C.

The 21-year-old male born Joshua Mack went by the name Nana Boo. He or she was stabbed to death at the 200 block of Q Street in Northwest.

In mid afternoon, police officers received a report of an assault taking place on Q street. When these officers arrived on the scene, they found two hermaphrodites and or transgendered people suffering from stab wounds.

One of these victims was taken to Howard University Hospital and was pronounced dead at 3:02 p.m. The second victim was released from a local hospital with non-life-threatening injuries.

As this news swirls around the internet, many are reporting that this is a hate crime - against people who were "born that way".

This isn't a hate crime nor will it involve acts of racism. According to a City Paper in Washington D.C., the area around Q street is a well known strip for prostitution.

To add, there’s a $25,000 reward out for information that will lead to Joshua’s killer.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Incest = Inbreeding

According to the Britannica Concise Encyclopedia, Sexual relations between persons who, because of the nature of their kinship ties, are prohibited by law or custom from intermarrying. The incest taboo is generally universal, although it is imposed differently in different societies. Usually, the closer the genetic relationship between two people, the stronger and more highly charged is the taboo prohibiting or discouraging sexual relations. Some sociobiologists consider that inbred populations have diminished reproductive success and become gene pools for hereditary disorders.

An anonymous poster has shared a link to a article regarding the inbred of Goats. For many years, Scientist have used "animals" to advance their research methods.

When humans inbred and or form incestuous relationships, their children are born with many genetic disorders and most disorders are hermaphroditic.

Most recently, a article was written on a local breeder name Peter Girard. Peter was granted permission to import a 50 year old goat semen to father a new sect of Goats.

In this article, Peter revealed that there's an ongoing problem with inbreeding animals and it was not uncommon for grandparents to breed with grandchildren.

When the semen of a grandparent becomes "breeded" with their grandchildren the process is called "Inbreeding".

This process has led to many genetic health problems. According to Peter, "There are goats who are hermaphrodites [both sexes at once] or have defects with their udders or internally,".

Now - I am aware that humans are not Goats and Goats aren't humans.

But - I am aware that within the fields of Science, researchers are known to advance their studies in humans with the use of animals.

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Update: Caster Semenya

An ex-coach of Caster Semenya has confirm that she or he was born as a hermaphrodite. The South African, who won the women's 800m in Berlin, was told by the IAAF that she had to undergo testing to confirm his or her gender.

It's been reported that around 120 hermaphrodites are born in Germany each year and undergo a sex change operation to transformed their penis into a vagina or vice versa.

The unnamed coach told the Swiss tabloid ‘Blick’ that Semenya is not a woman.

According to this unnamed coach, a genetic test was conducted back in March to determine Caster's gender by officials within "South Africa".

The unnamed coach has stated that these results were clear and Semenya should've been banned from competing with the "women" at the World Championships in Berlin.

He also shared that during previous "testing" methods, additional medication was given to Caster that altered her or his testosterone levels.

Results from these test wasn't shared with Caster nor her family members.

Friday, August 21, 2009

The Hermaphrodite: Jay or Jaye Albright

In 1995, a radio consultant, Jay Albright resigned from his job to undergo a corrective gender operation that transitioned him into "Jaye".

According to his or her bio,"Jaye Albright is a 45-year broadcaster with a experience in all areas of programming, research, sales and management. She is a partner with her longtime business associate Michael O'Malley in the world’s largest country consultancy, Albright & O'Malley".

Here's an update picture of Jay or Jaye with his or her family:

November 1995

Thursday, August 20, 2009

The Hermaphrodite: Johnny or Justina Williams

November 1979

The Hermaphrodite: Joe or Jordana LeSesne

Joe LeSesne is currently living life as Jordana.

A few months ago, I wrote a post of this person not knowing that she or he was featured within a "Vibe" magazine article. Within this article, Joe (at the time) revealed that when he or she was six or seven years old, he or she knew that they didn’t fit in and always felt like a girl.

As a kindergartener, he or she was taught how to keep this as a secret from his or her classmates.

Soon after puberty kicked in, the 18 year old DJ (living in New York City), made a decision to undergo hormone replacement therapy and to have his or her gender reassigned through surgery.

Throughout my research, i have uncovered that Doctor's will not change alter a person's gender unless they were born with a genetic disorder and or their gender wasn't defined at birth.

If you would like to track his or her changes, google him or her.

Vibe Magazine
February 1999

In Retrospect:

Jet Magazine
September 1961

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

The Hermaphrodite: Caster Semenya

South African officials are trying to determine the true gender of an 18-year-old female athelete. When Caster Semenya burst onto the scene, many were puzzled by her facial hairs and muscular build.

The IAAF is currently conducting a genetic test to determine the "legitimacy" of Semenya's sex.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Bangkok: Ladyboy

The coach of the Afghan judo squad attending the Asian Martial Arts Games in the Thai capital was robbed of hundreds of thousands of baht after falling for a ladyboy he met in the notorious Nana Plaza adult entertainment complex.

Assaladee Sakala, 43, told police he and his team checked into the Grand Ayudhaya Hotel Bangkok in the Ratchada area and went looking for some female company.

He said he made some new ‘female’ friends and took one of them back to his hotel room.

He poured two beers and left the room briefly to talk to a team mate.

When he returned, Mr Sakala and his ‘girlfriend’ drank the beer at which point he started to feel sleepy

The next thing he knew, it was 2pm the following day and his companion had vanished, along with all his valuables.

Mr Sakala told police the ‘woman’ had stolen $US5,000 and 1,500 euros in cash, a gold ring, a gold wrist watch, a digital camera, and a digital voice recorder worth a combined total of more than 300,000 baht.

Metropolitan Police Commander Lt Gen Saroj Phromcharoen said the thief had been identified as 21-year-old ladyboy, Phongphichit Prasertsuk.

Mr Sakala said he had no idea his ‘lady friend’ was actually a man.

Naomi Campbell

Many media outlets are reporting that Naomi Campbell was born with a intersex condition. During a recent outing with her boyfriend, at a night club in Saint-Tropez, there was something odd dangling underneath her skirt. The super model was seen raising up her black dress in the balcony and gave everyone in the vicinity a good look at what she’s packing. And what she was packing was pretty surprising. Apparently pantiless, a few camera men are preparing to release additional photos of Naomi's ambiguous genitalia.

You see - many celebrities refrain from wearing underwear simply because they can't. They don't feel comfortable wearing underwear designed for a straight man or a straight women because...they were born with a intersex condition and or as a hermaphrodite.

Update: Vogue

There was an episode of "America's Best Dance Crew" titled, "The Beyonce Challenge". Each dance group was given a Beyonce song and asked to incorporate a few of Beyonce's stolen dance moves. Is it me or maybe it's not me but why are these groups copying a copy cat? Hollywood is becoming unoriginal. In addition, Beyonce made a guest appearance through a video telecast on America's Best Dance Crew. I always wondered if Leiomy Maldonado and Leyomy Mizrahi are the same person. These hermaphrodites have a history of altering their true identity by changing their names and through the daily intake of estrogen pills.

At any rate, it seems as if Leiomy has become another hermaphrodite who made it to Hollywood...

Monday, August 17, 2009

Spain: A underage Hermaphrodite seeks a sex change

The parents of a "minor" in Spain is seeking the court to grant approval for a sex change operation.

As a law requirement, a underage teenager need authorization from a judge in Barcelona to become a female via surgery.

If a judge grants this wish...a decision to transition a minor born male, into a female, this will become the first procedure to be performed in Spain.

According to the Spanish law, this operation is allowed only if the patient is over the age of 18. If a patient is under the age of 18, the parent must request permission from a court.

The patient was born a male and has undergone hormonal therapy and psychological counselling for the past 18 months. Doctors will not perform a sex change unless there's proof that the patient was born with a genetic defect.

It’s understood that the application made by the teenager’s parents is supported by a report from medical experts recommending that the surgery can go ahead.

Impalila Island: Teacher Impregnates Own Daughter

The schoolteacher (name withheld until formal charges at Bukalo Khuta) has made a full confession in a three-page letter submitted to the sub-khuta. It has been reported that the schoolteacher made some sort of out-of-court settlement and agreed to pay the mother of the daughter he impregnated 30 head of cattle. The settlement was to cover ‘damages’ and to buy her silence.

Despite what could be seen as a hefty fine in an area where islets and peninsulas abound save for the main island, the teacher could face another fine of up to 20 cattle bringing the total to a record 50 head of cattle.

New Era was also informed the suspect committed the incest at the instigation of a bush doctor who promised him fabulous riches, but he also told the indunas, “I am not the only one. But I have fallen foul of the potency of juju as I followed its sweetness.

The child who is pregnant by her father, had to drop out of school for a year. She's now in the custody of social workers.

The schoolgirl, who cannot be identified on ethical grounds, is in the Grade 10 grade.

The schoolteacher has shared, that when he met his daughter's mother, she was still a student and due to her pregnancy...she was forced to drop out of school as well.

Story Continues...

Friday, August 14, 2009

In Retrospect: The "Pregnant" Man

Jul 4, 1963

Update: Lady Ga-Ga

They say that during a concert in Manila Tuesday night, Lady Ga-Ga made the following statement:

"Somebody asked me very recently a very strange question....They said...Lady Gaga, do you have a d**k?...and I said...Yes I do, it's much bigger than yours." Quoting: Lady Ga-Ga

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Update: Lady Ga-Ga

The Hermaphrodite Lady Ga Ga was interviewed by "OUT" magazine for their September issue. Within this article, Lady Ga Ga reveals what everyone already knew....that she or he is "gay". She also shares a conversation she had with Kayne West prior to agreeing to join him on tour:

"I just want to be clear before we decide to do this together: I’m gay. My music is gay. My show is gay. And I love that it’s gay. And I love my gay fans and they’re all going to be coming to our show. And it’s going to remain gay.' That’s another clause in the Gagaland constitution: Gay culture shall gush undiluted into the rapids of society. It shall not be co-opted, fancified, dolled up, or Uncle Tommed. 'I very much want to inject gay culture into the mainstream,...'It’s not an underground tool for me. It’s my whole life. So I always sort of joke the real motivation is to just turn the world gay."

"When I started in the mainstream it was the gays that lifted me up...“I committed myself to them and they committed themselves to me, and because of the gay community I’m where I am today.” Quoting: Lady Ga Ga

OUT Magazine
September 2009

The Hermaphrodite: Bobby Minton or Gladys Bentley


In the late 1940’s, she starred in show business, both as Bobbie Minton the male impersonator, and as Gladys Bentley. She was once considered a sophisticated cabaret singer who specialized in risqué’ songs. In an interview, she admitted to receiving hormone injections three times a week to accelerate her return to womanhood.

It was once reported that Bobbie Minton wrote a book titled, “Twilight Zone of Sex”. This book was suppose to detail her life experience growing up as a hermaphrodite. She also revealed that following a Doctor visit, she was told that, “Your sex organs are infantile. They haven’t progressed past the stage of those of a fourteen-year-old-child”.

Prior to a sex change operation, she once wrote, “For many years, I lived in a personal hell. Like a great number of lost souls, I inhabited that half-shadow no-man’s land which exists between the boundaries of the two sexes”.

She also pointed out, “I violated the accepted code or morals that our world observes…I was a big, successful star – and a sad, lonely person – until the miracle happened and I became a woman again”.

Here's an insight into the life and times of Gladys Bentley (or Bobby Minton):

Replaceable you: engineering the body in postwar America‎
by David Harley Serlin
Limited preview - 2004

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

The Hermaphrodite: George Cantey or Georgia Black

In 1951, Ebony Magazine ran a article on the life of Georgia Black who was born George Cantey. This article was reprinted in November of 1974. For 30 years, Georgia Black lived life as a woman and no one knew that she was born male until she was examined by Doctors as she neared her final days.

Ebony Magazine
Nov 1975

In Retrospect: George Clinton

Vibe Magazine
Nov 1993

Bookies Give Odds Of 5-1 Lady GaGa Is A Man

Bookmakers are offering a 5-1 odds that the singer is in fact a man. The 23-year-old singer – real name Stefani Germanotta – is 1-3 on that she is a woman, 9-4 at being a hermaphrodite and 5-1 at being a male. Media outlets are reporting that Lady Ga-Ga is approaching a nervous breakdown. Her team of managers are blaming this on her recent break up with her ex-boyfriend "Speedy", in association with video proof that she is a hermaphrodite.

Hermaphrodite wins damage claim...

It has been reported that a surgeon will pay 100,000 euros (141,500 dollars) in compensation for performing an operation converting a hermaphrodite into a man without consent; more than 30 years ago.

Thomas and or Christiane V. was born without defining gender characteristics. When she hit puberty, her reproductive organs were surgically removed without prior information or consent. At age 18, Thomas (or Christiane) was receiving an appendix operation and doctors discovered her or his reproductive organs.

During this time, it was thought that Thomas (or Christiane) had mixed male-female genitals and an atrophied reproductive system. In fact, this operation revealed a normal female anatomy, including an intact womb and ovaries.

During the discovery, the "judges" ruled that the surgeon should have aborted the operation.

As a result, the doctor was found guility of unlawful intervention in 2008, but a second trial was needed to set the level of compensation.

For years, Christiane V. had considered herself a woman, despite being raised as a boy.

A medical expert had stated that, in 1977, it would have been possible for the Christiane to live as a woman, because certain medicines and sex change operations were available at the time.

The surgeon, who has now been found guilty on three separate occasions, has the option to appeal this verdict.

Friday, August 7, 2009

The Diary of Anne Frankenstein

An upcoming production of The Diary of Anne Frankenstein, will premiere in New York City beginning Oct. 1st.

Elizabeth Elkins will direct this production, which "follows Anne, a lowly hermaphroditic Franken-girl with big dreams and an even bigger diary, as she comes of age in the attic of an abandoned genetics laboratory in Bavaria in 1945,....after years of peaceful anonymity, Anne's privacy comes to an end when her cruel and twisted creator, Dr. Gustav Frankenstein, returns to the defunct compound with an eye toward his most fiendish experiment yet – the resurrection of Adolf Hitler!"

Hollywood continues to send subliminal messages.

Here's the official "casting call":

The Hermaphrodite: Shazia

""I get so confused. I feel very strange that Allah could have made me a boy, or he could have made me a girl, but this way, neither boy nor girl. This life is very strange. It is a bad life...I do not want to accept this life. Had it been legal to commit suicide I would have done it." Quoting: Shazia

Well - There's a pattern with these hermaphrodites. They all seem to blame our Heavenly Father for being "born that way" and not their parents for having them through an incestuous relationshp!

Shazia has admitted to being at odds with her family. To ease her level of confusion, it's imperative that she trace this disorder to discover the root of her "genetic" defect. She wasn't the first person to be born as a hermaphrodite within her family and she's not the last.

As soon as she hit puberty, her parents sent her away to live with others who were born this way. She also admits to having both male and female sex organs. You see, in Pakistan, the eunuch live in colonies and they make a living by begging or through prostitution. In the clip below, you will see Shazia performing at a event as male parents hold their newborn "eunuch" in their arms.

You see, the "eunuch or hijras" are terms that loosely refers to transsexuals, transvestites or hermaphrodites.

These colonies can be brutal and young hermaphrodites are often beaten and exploited.

A few years after Shazia hit puberty, she admits to being drugged as the head of a colony performed brutal surgery severing her "penis".

Here's her or his story...

Monday, August 3, 2009

Update: Lady Ga-Ga

Recently, Lady Gaga performed at the Glastonbury festival in England. During her set, she proceeded to step off of a motor cycle. As she approached the center stage, you can see "something" dangling between her legs. This isn't the first time that Lady Ga-Ga was caught with an odd lump or some sort of string dangling from her private area but this is the first time that her penis wasn't properly tucked away.

To judge for yourself, watch this video and scroll over to the 1:13 mark:

Update: The Hermaphrodite Rob Newbiggin

A boxer who revealed his plans for gender reassignment has said he has been forced to move house after losing all his friends and suffering abuse.

Rob Newbiggin, 44, was born intersex but is not yet living as a woman.

He told the Southport Visiter that since revealing his plans to The Sun, he has been verbally abused in Southport and will now have to relocate his family.

Newbiggin told the newspaper: “At the end of it [gender reassignment] I’ll be the woman I want to be and I’ll have done a lot of good, but it will be a huge sacrifice because I’m going to have to leave.

Story Continues...

The Hermaphrodite: Miss Glass

Crystal Castles, named after 80’s cartoon character She-Ra’s “fortress in the sky”, is made up of instrumentalist Ethan Kath and singer Alice Glass. Up on the monstrosity of a platform known as the Queen of the Valley stage near the main entrance to All Points West, the diminutive Alice exuded massive amounts of energy as soon as so popped into view. Once the first beat dropped, fog and flashing white strobe lights blared on and off all around the stage. Alice had one large light in tow, and she jaunted back and forth across the left and right sides of the stage at a cheetah’s pace. Although the effects were visually appealing and extremely appropriate for the electropop genre, the scene would probably not be ideal for those prone to seizures.

Miss Glass wore a tight, knitted grey skirt with leggings and a black jacket, and some sneakers. From a distance, Miss Glass has very androgynous features, and because the vocals were very low, it was hard to tell that she even WAS a woman! The balance of the vocals to the band did not seem to match well, and sadly, some of the beautiful parts ended up being lost in a sea of store doorbells. Alice even climbed up a large stack of speakers at one point and casually draped her legs over them during the third song of the band performance. Although the energy of the group (or rather, the person) matched the frenetic stage performance, the lack of loud vocals may have very well left fans of the band disappointed.

A Thai lady boy found dead...

A Thai lady boy with a history of drug use and mental health problems was found dead at his home in Soi Toongglom Tanman. Several medications were found including weight loss tablets and sedatives.

At a detached house police found the dead body of Mr.Chombongotch Wattananun [43], lying on a sofa in the living room wearing a purple nightgown.

A friend of the victim, Miss Roongnapa Sriwong [43], who also lives in the same village, told police that Mr.Chombongotch had been addicted to marijuana for a long time but had received treatment at a rehabilitation center. He had also been fired from a company where he had been working for more than 10 years.

She continued to say that Mr.Chombongotch had had breast enhancement surgery but requests for a full sex transformation had been turned down by doctors due to his mental health problems.

The victim had lost all his relatives and had been living alone for a long time. Previously he’d had a young boy living in the same house to take care of him but he later moved out to stay with Miss Roongnapa because he claimed Mr. Chombongotch had tried to rape him.

However, the boy still delivered food to Mr.Chombongotch every day and it was he who eventually discovered the dead body.

Police have sent Mr. Chombongotch’s body for autopsy to find the real cause of his death before....

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Warning: BPA Found in Baby Food Jars

Is this dangerous for our babies?

The estrogen-mimicking chemical bisphenol A is widely found in baby food sold in glass jars in Canada, according to a survey conducted by Health Canada that found the compound in about 84 percent of samples.

"The results of this survey clearly indicate that exposure to BPA through the consumption of jarred baby food products would be extremely low" with the amounts "not expected to pose a health risk to the consumer," Health Canada officials said.

Is this something to worry about? Pediatrician Dr. Cara Natterson says:

Here's my bottom line: This isn't something to lose sleep over, but it isn't something to blow off, either.

BPA is a chemical that can potentially cause disease. It has been accused (among other things) of causing uterine fibroids, endometriosis, breast cancer, lowering sperm count, and increasing the risk of prostate cancer. Many challenge these accusations because the studies that document these effects are small or have not been repeated. But what most people agree upon is that BPA is an endocrine disruptor: a chemical that can affect the way hormones work in some people's bodies. For this reason, if it can be avoided, it probably should be.

Canada has been on the front lines of the war against BPA. In April 2008, the Canadian government classified BPA as "toxic" to human health and the environment. One of the reasons why is that BPA can imitate the actions of estrogen and, many times, BPA concentrations are far higher than normal estrogen concentrations found in the body (parts per billion versus parts per trillion). But this accusation -- that there is more BPA in many products sold on the market than there is estrogen in our own bodies -- isn't entirely fair. BPA is not estrogen, it just looks like estrogen. And according to most studies, the biological effects of BPA are nowhere near those of estrogen: it is not nearly as potent as the natural hormone, and oftentimes it is completely impotent.

Story Continues...


For much of humanity's history, man has recognised that various foods affect his libido. The word aphrodisiac comes from the name of the Greek goddess of love, Aphrodite, who, in turn, took her name from the Greek word aphro (sea foam). According to the myth, Cronos (god of time), castrated his father, Urano, and threw his testicles into the sea, creating the sea foam that Aphrodite was born of.

Aside from extravagant and hard-to-find suggestions such as rhinocerous horns, which are pulverised in Asia and thought to be aphrodisiacal because the rhinocerous can have sex for 45 minutes; or tiger penis, which have now disappeared from Chinese menus for fear that the animal could become extinct; there are many food that contain potentially aphrodisiacal substances. Celery, raspberries, ginseng, pistachios, truffles, asparagus, cinnamon, garlic (watch your breath!), chili and peppers supposedly contain properties that increase sexual desire.

Seafood and molluscs also have a reputation for being aphrodisiacs, which comes from their high zinc content. Zinc is a fundamental mineral in the creation of testosterone and estrogen. Oysters, mussels, clams, prawns and crayfish are other wonderful options if you're trying to save money, but the gift you get after dessert should be worth the investment.

We all know that Japanese cuisine is not only aesthetically pleasing to the eye, it’s delicious and a lean source of protein. Fish to be consumed raw, it MUST BE fresher and of a higher quality/grade than cooked fish, hence the term “sushi grade” Fish should smell clean not fishy, be vivid in color, and free from harmful parasites, which is why ocean fish can be used raw; and freshwater fish should be cooked, as these fish may harbor parasites. As an adventurous eater, trying off beat items isn’t that much of a stretch for me and it was at Miyagi, where I was introduced to sea urchin for the very first time.

Uni, informally referred to as the roe, and contrary to popular belief, the portion sold and served as one of the ocean’s most opulent treasures is not the roe, it is actually the gonads! Yes, the animal’s testes which produce the milt or roe. It is the only edible part of this hermaphrodite sea creature. Uni is bright yellow and tastes sweet, light, with a firm, yet smooth, dry and paste-like texture.

Once the sea urchin is hand picked, it is delivered live to a processing plant where it is carefully cracked open. The uni is scooped out the spiny shell in five custard-like, golden sections, it is then rinsed, cleaned and set with a light brine/preserving solution before being placed into small wooden or plastic trays, the trays are refrigerated, placed in insulated containers and air shipped to customers often within 48 hours.

Story Continues...